How Stress Really Trashes Your Gut

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October 13, 2020

Ep 205: What Really Causes Chronic Pain?

Are you struggling with nagging pain that just won’t seem to go away?  Knowing what factors contribute to your pain can be a game changer.  Why does your body continue to send pain signals…
October 10, 2020

Ep 204: What is Stress Doing to Your Body?

Wouldn’t it be nice if stress management was taught early on in school? Would you be better prepared for life’s stressors? Sadly, the majority of chronic illness can be traced back to poor stress…
October 4, 2020

Ep 203: Why Adulting is Stressful

Overwhelmed, fatigued & gaining weight? How you spend your days & the habits you have contribute to your stress & overwhelm. It’s not like anyone taught you how to juggle fun & adulting. Rebelling…
October 4, 2020

Ep 202: Is Disassociation Your Response to Stress?

Do you find yourself struggling to connect your brain and body to achieve optimal health? Disassociation is a primal survival response that humans experience secondary to trauma to prevent the sensation of pain. Disassociation…
September 20, 2020

Ep 201: 7 Ways to Optimize Your Health

Curious about what REALLY works to optimize your health, get your weight in check & have all day energy?  In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause shed’s light on what she’s found in her last…
September 13, 2020

Ep 200: Accelerate Your Career Without Sacrificing Your Health with Dr. Aimee Sanchez

Dr. Aimée V. Sanchez, Ph.D. is a Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, Award Winning 3x best-selling author featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, A/E and Bravo, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today!Dr. Sanchez is an Executive Coach, and Speaker specializing in Organizational/Business Consulting and Coaching for high performing individuals,…
September 7, 2020

Ep 199: Breakthrough Your Emotional Trauma & Start Living a Trigger Proof Life

Unrepaired trauma within relationships or family can carry into adulthood and leave you stuck in life. Are you stuck in a repetitive cycle of toxic relationships, career drama, or struggling with emotional trauma? Are…
September 2, 2020

Ep 198: Why Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Are you working a job that doesn’t give you joy? Are you feeling frustrated or stuck in life? Or are you in a relationship that’s not working or fear you’ll never find love? Is…
August 23, 2020

Ep 197: How to Detox Daily from Your Electronics, EMF & 5G Exposure

Have you noticed an increase in headaches, body aches, fatigue, weight gain, hormonal issues or memory issues since 5G was introduced? 5G networks emit radiowaves that create an electromagnetic field (EMF). Research has shown…
August 17, 2020

Ep 196: Deuterium – Is This Hydrogen Hijacking Your Ability to Make Energy & Stay Healthy?

Sick and tired of not reaching your health and fitness goals? Have you tried energy boosting supplement after energy boosting supplement and no change? It’s possible that you have to go back to the…
August 13, 2020

Ep 195: Rewire Your Brain to Overcome Chronic Illness, Trauma, & Self Sabotage

How you view and treat yourself dictates how well you thrive in life – from chronic illness and pain to surviving trauma. From a young age your brain becomes hard wired in it’s thoughts…
August 8, 2020