Ep 080: Do Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies Work?
A common question in my office is “do natural treatments for seasonal allergies work?” The answer is yes, if you are willing to swap out your allergy pill for an herbal combo in addition…
May 31, 2018
Ep 079: How Pets Improve Our Health
Many think of pets as a lot of work but the benefits to your overall health are incredible. Growing up in a home with dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and reptiles Doc J learned…
May 24, 2018
Hemp Oil to Reduce Pain, Anxiety & Depression – Lane Kennedy Levy Interview
Hemp oil has been used for thousands of years as a medicine to help with pain and inflammation in the body. It’s fatty acid breakdown is similar to that of flaxseed thus it’s omega…
May 17, 2018
Ep 077: What is a Naturopathic Doctor and How Can We Help You?
Naturopathic doctors are trained to recommend dietary & lifestyle changes, in addition to herbs and vitamin supplements to treat common medical issues. Naturopathic doctors graduate from doctorate programs at accredited universities and are required…
May 11, 2018
Ep 076: The Good, Bad and Ugly Sides of Inflammation
We hear the word inflammation all the time and we are told we need to reduce it but what is inflammation? Inflammation is a natural process in which the body repairs damage to it’s…
May 3, 2018
Ep 075: How Exercise Increases My Energy, Lifts My Mood and Improves My Social Life
Movement and exercise have been shown to have a plethora of benefits but I’ve found it to be incredible for boosting my energy, mood and motivation. Too many people come into my office saying…
April 26, 2018
Heart Rate Variability Improves Pain, Fatigue, & Mood Disorders
The strength of your vagus nerve determines how you react to pain, how you recover from stress, and workouts in addition to how well you are able to balance your mood. Your vagus nerve…
April 19, 2018
Ep 073: How Stress & Leaky Gut Team Up to Cause Vagus Nerve Inflammation
Vagus nerve inflammation can determine how intensely stress affects you. Ever wondered how and why stress can make you physically sick in many ways? There is a strong connection between gut inflammation and anxiety…
April 12, 2018
Ep 072: Anxious, Depressed, Pissed Off Broken Brained Hot Mess
Is it the full moon, the weather or does everyone cycle through anxious, depressed pissed off hot mess states? Have you ever been so worked up that everything seemed spinning out of control? Ever…
April 5, 2018
Ep 071: Food Can Communicate with Our Cells
Did you know that the food can communicate with your cells? The foods we ingest have microRNAs, small cellular pieces that can interfere with messages from our cells to create proteins involved in cell…
March 29, 2018
Ep 070: When Is The Best Time to Take Supplements?
One of the most common questions in my office is when is the best time to take my supplements? It’s confusing out there as to what to do when and I find most people…
March 22, 2018
Ep 069: How Spices Keep Stress from Killing You
Stress is often overlooked as doctors pick apart and investigate the symptoms that a patient has not the cause. How often do we really assess what we are eating and the lives that we…
March 16, 2018