Ep 101: How to Meal Plan and Prep in 90 Minutes a Week
Do you want to eat healthy but life keeps getting in your way? Are you stressed out, tired, depressed, anxious, gaining weight or dealing with digestive issues? By creating healthy eating habits and routines…
October 25, 2018
Ep 100: Sleep – A Dermatologist’s Prescription for Glowing Skin
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything from supplements to skin care products for your problem skin and nothing seems to work? Are you frustrated because no one can figure out what is causing…
October 18, 2018
Ep 99: Reset Your Circadian Rhythm for Longevity and Happiness
Do the short days of fall and winter get you down? Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, struggle with insomnia or moodiness in the fall and winter? Did you know that there are…
October 11, 2018
Ep 98: Why You Should Hula Hoop for Hormone Balance
Are you moody, struggling staying asleep throughout the night and finding it hard to keep weight off? Hula hoops aren’t just for kids as they can help you to maintain your balance, vital core…
October 5, 2018
Ep 97: Sinus Issues? Why steroid nasal sprays aren’t the cure
Do you have chronic sinus issues, dizziness, brain fog, ear ringing? Or do you have to clear your throat often or have a stuffy nose often? Do you rely on the nasal spray Flonase…
September 27, 2018
Ep 96: Why You Should Use Non-Toxic Skin Care and Dental Hygiene Products
The toxins in your hygiene products could be the difference between life and death. Noha Soliman started The Herbs and Bees clean beauty and dental hygiene line after her daughter’s health drastically improved by…
September 20, 2018
Ep 95: How To Get Started with CBD Oil
Do you suffer from chronic pain and you’re sick of popping pills to stay ahead of your pain? Perhaps your sick of the side effects of your current pain medication. Maybe you’re scared to…
September 13, 2018
Ep 94: Stop Leaky Gut with a Total Gut Restoration Plan
Do you suffer with chronic sinus infections, headaches, body aches, digestive issues or fatigue and no one can figure out what’s ailing you? Have you tried a probiotic and you didn’t notice any change…
September 6, 2018
Ep 93: Is Your Lack Of Sleep Affecting Your Will Power?
Are you struggling with chronic insomnia and finding yourself gaining weight? Have you lost your will power and find yourself struggling to avoid junk food? Are you eating yourself out of house and home…
August 30, 2018
Ep 92: How Blood Sugar Issues Cause Cardiovascular Disease
Do you get grumpy when you’re hungry? Do you have mood changes based on what you eat? Do you wake up in the night needing to snack? Did you know that blood sugar issues…
August 23, 2018
Ep 91: Feet : The Missing Link To Being Pain Free
Tried everything to reduce your pain? When’s the last time someone looked and touched your feet? When is the last time someone watched you move and walk? How well you move and how you…
August 16, 2018
Are Your Skin Care Products Damaging Your Skin Microbiome?
Many skin care products, even those labeled natural, can disrupt the delicate balance of oil, hydration and good bugs on your skin’s surface. Antibacterial agents, chemicals and even some herbs can disrupt the skin’s…
August 9, 2018