Did you know that the environment you live in shapes how you behave, your preferences and your outcomes in life? Take a look around you right now. Does your current environment support who you want to be? Do your friends, habits and daily routines support who you want to become? One of the most overlooked aspects of achieving optimal health is creating the an environment that supports your desired outcome in life. In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause breaks down how to assess your unhealthy environment and make necessary changes to get healthy and stay healthy for life.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

• Why your home keeps you from achieving health goals
• Why your habits keep you from being healthy
• How your relationships sabotage your health
• Why your environment should match the person you want to become

Resources from the Show:
• Benjamin Hardy’s Willpower Doesn’t Work
• James Clear – Atomic Habits
• Doc J Krause’s Guide to Changing Your Environment to Achieve Optimal Health
Step 1: Create the template of “THIS IS WHO I WANT TO BE” – you’re creating a new person here – think of it like an avatar – sit down and spend time on this – get to know this person, feel them in your skin and keep your end outcome in mind as you go through this.
– what do you wear, what do you do for work, hobbies, entertainment
– who do you want to be and what does this person look like 10, 20, 30+ years from now
– as you can see this can apply to careers and much more
– BUT in terms of achieving optimal health what do we need to figure out
– How does this person eat
– How does this person move
– How does this person distress
– How does this person think – positivity is a great place to start
Step 2: Your Environment – Change What Surrounds You to Guide You to the Person You Want to Be
Ditch anything in your unhealthy environment that doesn’t support you.
• Living Space = kitchen #1 – what tools do you need in there and what don’t you to be successful – Vitamix stays, deep fryer goes
• Pantry and Fridge – throw out anything that doesn’t go with the person you are trying to create and don’t bring the stuff back
• Save treats and snacks for desserts when you eat out
• Home – clutter, items that keep you in the past ex: pictures/memories/trinkets/jewelry that are negative – only keep what the new person you are trying to create needs and will feel supported by
• Change Up Your Style – Hairstyle, Make up, and Clothes make a big difference – what hair style does this person have and what routines do they employ for their grooming – ditch clothes that keep you in the past – get a new wardrobe or go down to the basics and build up
• Décor – what does this new person decorate like – maybe some new paint, pictures, furniture, inspiration to create this new person
• Create a chill space in your home to retreat to
• Create a movement space for mobility, stretching etc – can be the same as the chill space

Now on to the spaces you occupy: car, office space – change it up – what’s in your car? Does it reflect the person you want to be, your office – the same

Step 3: Relationships – to achieve optimal health you need to surround yourself with healthy people or people really trying to get there that are going to inspire you – not ones you need to cheer lead. No one wants an energy vampire. You need to look for a role model = someone who’s ahead of you in the game – hang out with them – a mentor works too if you can hire one or know someone that can inspire you. The same would go for anyone wanting to be in a certain career – surround yourself with people that are doing things like you want to do and are higher up on the progress scale
– this also goes with relationships – it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone that doesn’t support the same things you do. It’s hard to navigate this – especially when you get married and didn’t live together before – you start to eat and act like each other!
Ladies are you wondering why you can’t lose weight when your man loves to eat junk and eat out and drink all the time? Well that’s your environment. Work on a compromise so you get your environment and man too…if you still want him after you start making progress toward your new you…

Step 4: Assess your Hobbies, Free Time, Interests – what does this new person like to do for fun, distressing – what are they interested in?

Step 5: Start Forming New Habits – Habits will flow naturally if you change your environment as you are changing everything. So in this case you need to create new habits because you changed your environment. Changing environment forces you to change habits – so if you were struggling with habit formation here’s you work around!

Step 6: Reassess often – if you aren’t getting results then change things up again and ensure that everything in your environment is aligned toward your goal.

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Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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