Ep167: Becoming The Coaches’ Coach With Michael Tranmer

Are you struggling to find an online coach to help you reach your goals? Want to live your dream life but have no idea where to start? In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause interviews…
January 30, 2020

Ep166: The Truth About Kratom with John Bush From My Brave Botanicals

Struggling to find something that can help you with anxiety, depression or pain? Kratom is a member of the coffee family and made from the leaves of a South East Asian Evergreen Tree. John…
January 23, 2020

Ep 165: Fitness and Nutrition for Multiple Sclerosis and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Want to know how I support my patients with multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injuries? Check out this interview where Shane Nicolich interviews me.
January 16, 2020

Ep 164: The Importance of Kava in Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) with Dr. Jerome Sarris

Is healthy habit formation a struggle for you? Are you a chronic dieter that never gets the results that you want? Perhaps it’s time to go back to the basics to finally get that…
January 9, 2020

Ep 163: 7 Principles to Lose Weight, Get Healthy & Stay Healthy for Life – Dave Sherwin

Is healthy habit formation a struggle for you? Are you a chronic dieter that never gets the results that you want? Perhaps it’s time to go back to the basics to finally get that…
January 2, 2020

Ep 162: How Business Travel Causes Isolation & Disconnection from Self & Family – Nick Gemmell

At first glance the allure of business travel looks fun and glamorous.  Seeing new cities, exploring new regions, & trying out new cuisine.  Unfortunately, many men and women who travel for long periods of…
December 24, 2019

Episode 161: How to Naturally Treat Ovarian Cysts and What Foods You Should Eat During Your Cycle

Do you have ovarian cysts or know someone who does? Hormone imbalance is one of the key factors in the development of ovarian cysts. After seeing many doctors, taking a basketful of supplements a…
December 19, 2019

Ep 160: How Acupuncture Regulates the Nervous System

Struggling to calm your nervous system? Learn how acupuncture regulates the nervous system, calms the mind and allows you to move forward in life.
December 12, 2019

Ep 159: How Dysbiosis Creates Food Sensitivities & Allergies

Are you struggling with food sensitivities or allergies? Perhaps you’ve taken out the foods you suspect you were reacting too and still you have symptoms. It’s possible your gut dysbiosis, has you lacking certain…
December 5, 2019

Ep 158: How Nutrition and Running Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms – Interview with Shane Nicolich

Are you or someone you know struggling with multiple sclerosis (MS)? Many have found diet and exercise are the secret to managing their multiple sclerosis symptoms. Did you know that those who have had…
November 28, 2019

Ep 157: How You Can Get Probiotics from Your Environment – Michael Yadrick

Did you know that spending time outdoors provides your gut with beneficial bacteria? Gardening, climbing trees, swinging on swings in the park, making a sandcastle and jumping in leaves all provide you with a…
November 21, 2019

Ep 156: A Functional Medicine Approach to Treating Neurodegeneration – Dr. Greg Eckel

Are you struggling with a chronic neurological condition? Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s? Dr. Greg Eckel is a Naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist from Portland, Oregon who has dedicated his life to treating neurodegenerative…
November 14, 2019