Struggling to find the right balanced lifestyle routine for your health? Irina Adriaensen was caught in the stressors of the corporate world and found the Ayurvedic lifestyle of daily routines that balance your body helped to relieve the stress that was taking over her body. Irina Adriaensen is a yoga teacher, massage therapist and ayurvedic lifestyle coach helping folks to live for more than just the weekend! In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Irina on the Ayurvedic lifestyle and the importance of a daily routine to manage stress, especially during these challenging times.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • How the varied types of yoga balance your body differently
  • Why you need set sleep, wake, eating, movement and relaxing routines
  • How Ayurvedic lifestyle principles help you manage stress
  • How certain foods and spices balance your body



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Jannine Krause

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