Ep 332: Lose Weight for The Last Time with David Greenwalt

Obesity has increased from 15% in 1970 to 43% in 2022. Could it be the ultra processed addictive foods messing with your metabolism? Have you been duped by the food industry into thinking certain…
January 7, 2023

Ep 331: How Do You Know What to Eat for Your Metabolism? Get a Lumen & Learn.

The most common question I get as a doc is “what do I eat to … insert health or fitness goal.”  Most of the questions are about weight loss but the same applies to…
January 4, 2023

Ep 330: Stop Guessing and Be Sure of What Certain Supplements Will Do. Here’s How With Wade Lightheart

Sick of wasting money on supplements that do not work for you? Why do so many people swear by magnesium for their health?  Curious about what supplements are best for you and your body?…
December 31, 2022

Ep 313: Finding a Workout That Suits You! – The Ageless Woman Workout!

Do you remember or have you heard of Richard Simmons and “Sweating to the Oldies”?  Fitness has morphed away from those come as you are and fun movement days and that has to change!…
November 2, 2022

Ep 312: The Ageless Workout – How to Get & Stay Fit at Any Age

Who wants to be strong, mobile and independent as they get older?  What’s the secret to looking good, having all day energy and minimal aches and pains?  Having a solid fitness routine that suits…
October 29, 2022

Are You Sick of The Usual Whey Protein Flavors?

If so, you’re in luck! Naked Nutrition has created a delicious new whey protein isolate that’s lemonade flavored. At first I thought, is it going to taste like a milky lemon flavor?  …but from…
October 23, 2022

Ep 308: How to Use Human Design to Find The Best Health Routine for You

Do you bounce from one diet or fitness routine to the next in your search to find the magic routine for you? Feeling lost when it comes to finding a health routine that suits…
October 1, 2022

Ep 307: How to Use Your Intuition to Find a Health & Fitness Routine That Works For You

Do you struggle to stick with a health & fitness routine because life gets in the way? Looking for a fitness program create by women who understand the needs of a busy Mom or…
September 24, 2022

Ep 302: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching Yourself to Be Calm Under Pressure

Can you train your brain like you train your body?  Is there a way to train your brain to be calm under pressure?  Max Newlon the president of Brain Co has been asking these…
August 20, 2022

Ep 297: Inside Scoop On How to Have Happy Feet and Ankles for Life

Struggling with foot or ankle pain that’s keeping you from running or exercising?  Are you training or wanting to train for a special event but chronic foot or ankle injuries keep getting in the…
July 16, 2022

Ep 294: Looking for a Non-Impact Cardio Routine That’s Fun?

Have you been told swimming would be a great workout because of your aches, pains or an injury?  Considering adding swimming into your workout routine but not sure what to do in the pool…
June 25, 2022

Ep 291: The Ultimate Morning Exercise Routine with Brad Kearns

Do you have a morning routine? Does your morning routine warm up your body for the day?  Brad Kearns, the host of The Get Over Yourself Podcast and triathlete, is back on The Health…
June 4, 2022