Ep 350: The insider scoop on staying fit over 40 with Brad Williams

Getting fit and staying fit over 40 is much different than in your 20’s. Knowing what to train and how to go about it can be overwhelming.  Finding a fitness professional that has experience…
March 18, 2023

Ep 137: Insider Tips on Surviving a Traumatic Childhood and Thriving into Your 80’s

What is the secret to thriving under stress and living a long healthy life? Dr. Krause’s father thinks he has the answer and loves to share his tips with his friends and family. He…
July 5, 2019

Ep 133: 9 Movements Everyone Should Be Able to Do for Longevity

The key to longevity and optimal health is to be able to do certain moves well and often. Do you know how well you move? Can you perform the movements necessary to maintain your…
June 6, 2019

Ep 128: Are Peptides the Future of Medicine?

Peptides are small amino acid fragments that are designed to mimic specific metabolic signaling peptides produced in your body. Despite extensive research for half a century these amazing molecules are just now gaining popularity.…
May 2, 2019

Ep 99: Reset Your Circadian Rhythm for Longevity and Happiness

Do the short days of fall and winter get you down? Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, struggle with insomnia or moodiness in the fall and winter? Did you know that there are…
October 11, 2018

Ep 033: Are You Ignoring This Missing Link to Being Pain Free?

Dreaming of being pain free? Chronic low back or knee pain keeping you from all the epic things you want to do? Can’t seem to keep your hamstrings from tightening up on you during…
July 5, 2017

Ep 022: Fast Three Days a Month To Re-Set Your Gut, Immune System, Prevent Disease and Increase Longevity

Your digestive system is designed to go without food. Your sympathetic nervous system is able to deal with it. Fasting promotes energy burn of reserves. Fasting allows gut bacteria to work on their neighborhoods…
April 23, 2017