Ep 115: How Acupuncture Can Eliminate Chronic Foot Pain
Struggling with chronic foot pain due to flat feet, plantar fasciitis, muscle imbalances or ligament laxity? Did you know acupuncture has an effect on your muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascial tissue? If you struggle…
February 3, 2019
Ep 114: Find Your Ideal Food & Lifestyle with Ayurvedic Medicine
Ever wonder what type of food and exercise is best for your body? Ayurvedic medicine principles can help you do just that in addition to help you find the best career and life partner…
January 24, 2019
Ep 113: How to Have Fun at Work with Dr. Greg Winteregg
Is the dislike of your job stressing you out so much that your health is declining? Do you wake up weekdays dreading going to work? Do you find that you’re sick, tired and fatigued…
January 17, 2019
Ep 112: Can Grilling and Roasting of Foods Accelerate Aging?
Struggling to reduce inflammation in your body, get your blood pressure in check, reduce cholesterol or can’t get your blood sugar down? Your diet and the way you prepare your food is 80% of…
January 10, 2019
Ep 111: How Habit Setting Helps You Design the Life You Want
Struggling to create new habits to achieve your goals? Did you know that your life right now is a sum of your habits? 80% that set New Years Resolutions throw in the towel by…
January 4, 2019
Ep 110: 10 Reasons Why You Might Be Bloated
Struggling with gas and bloating daily? Learn the top 10 reasons for why you might be bloated and what to do about it right now and daily to keep the bloat away.
December 28, 2018
Ep 109: How Medical Research Online Causes Anxiety
Are you doing online health research? Learn how to find quality information information online without causing anxiety.
December 20, 2018
Ep 108: Do You Have Insulin Resistance? The Dangers of Stress & Added Sugars in The Diet
Chances are the more stressed you are the more you crave sugar. The more sugar you consume the harder it is for your body to metabolize it for fuel, so it’s stored as fat…
December 14, 2018
Ep 107: Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss Revisited
Red light and near infrared therapy are excellent for boosting weight loss, overcoming a plateau and boosting collagen production. A few months ago Dr. Krause discussed red light therapy for boosting weight loss and…
December 6, 2018
Ep 106: Do You Have An Eating Disorder?
Did you know that 1 in 4 people who diet will go on to develop disordered eating tendencies or a clinical eating disorder? Are you passing off your binge eating, over eating, stress eating,…
November 29, 2018
Ep 105: Are Your Supplements Making You Sick?
Are you one of the 68% of adults in the US that takes supplements? Are your supplements doing more harm than good? Many of the toxins found in processed foods are in supplements too.…
November 22, 2018
Ep 104: Why Sensory Training Improves Anxiety And Focus
Do you struggle with anxiety and focus? Did you know that spending a few minutes a day training your senses can help you relax and improve your intuition at the same time? By focusing…
November 15, 2018