Ep 141: How to Restore Your Digestive Health by Paying Attention to How Foods Affect You – with Julie Daniluk

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode: • Why warm cooked foods restore your digestive health• Why fasting from dusk to dawn reduces stress levels• How dairy foods trigger opiate receptors• Why eating too much…
August 1, 2019

Ep 140: What to Eat When You Have Food Allergies

Are you or someone you know suffering from food allergies? Frustrated because you don’t know what to eat and what might cause a reaction? Food allergies and sensitivities are on the rise and it’s…
July 25, 2019

Ep 139: Restore Your Health with Silver – Interview with Sara Banta

Being and staying healthy this day in age is difficult. You have to be your own healthcare advocate. Sara Banta has done just that for herself and her family. After a lot of research…
July 18, 2019

Ep 138: What is Snoring Doing to Your Health?

Do you snore or live with someone who snores? Many of the common medical complaints could be due to snoring or living with someone who snores. Poor sleep quality due to snoring can cause…
July 11, 2019

Ep 137: Insider Tips on Surviving a Traumatic Childhood and Thriving into Your 80’s

What is the secret to thriving under stress and living a long healthy life? Dr. Krause’s father thinks he has the answer and loves to share his tips with his friends and family. He…
July 5, 2019

Ep 136: 5 Causes of Brain Fog

Do you struggle with brain fog, memory loss or difficulty concentrating? Perhaps you’re wondering if your brain fog is due to stress, age, hormones, dementia or something worse? You’ve got to get this figured…
June 27, 2019

Ep 135: The Secret to Staying Injury Free – MELT Performance by Sue Hitzman

How well and how often you move is key for longevity. Having a method to improve your body’s ability to restore nervous system balance and repair itself is central to ensuring you age well.…
June 20, 2019

Ep 134: Can Peptides Help Ladies with Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue and Sexual Dysfunction?

Peptides are small protein fragments that trigger your body to carry out a specific function or process in the body. Due to your exposure to toxic food, environmental exposures in addition to a stressful…
June 13, 2019

Ep 133: 9 Movements Everyone Should Be Able to Do for Longevity

The key to longevity and optimal health is to be able to do certain moves well and often. Do you know how well you move? Can you perform the movements necessary to maintain your…
June 6, 2019

Ep 132: Don’t Be a Victim of Your Genetics – Adopt the Less is More Lifestyle

You’re not evolving genetically in response to your fast paced environment and lifestyle. But yet you keep working against your genetics by taking a stressed body and making it produce more of the stress…
May 30, 2019

Ep 130: The Questions You Should Be Asking Your Doctor About Cancer – Dr. Tom Incledon

Have you ever thought about your cancer risk? How much do you know about cancer and treatment? If you were to get it right now how would you choose to fight cancer? Dr. Tom…
May 16, 2019

Ep 129: How to Fix Your Period with Lara Briden – The Period Revolutionary

Are you struggling with an irregular period, a heavy period, PMS, endometriosis or PCOS? Figuring out how to fix your period can be a challenge. Dr. Lara Briden has dedicated her practice to helping…
May 9, 2019