Ep 307: How to Use Your Intuition to Find a Health & Fitness Routine That Works For You

Do you struggle to stick with a health & fitness routine because life gets in the way? Looking for a fitness program create by women who understand the needs of a busy Mom or…
September 24, 2022

Ep 302: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching Yourself to Be Calm Under Pressure

Can you train your brain like you train your body?  Is there a way to train your brain to be calm under pressure?  Max Newlon the president of Brain Co has been asking these…
August 20, 2022

Ep 295: How to Live a Fantastic Life No Matter What You’re Experiencing

Dr. Allen Lycka was a leading cosmetic dermatologist in the prime of his life when he was diagnosed with ALS and given six months to live.  After fighting the diagnosis, he is here today…
July 2, 2022

Ep 293: How Not Being Your True Self Sabotages Your Potential & Relationships with Katrina Starr

Fear of rejection or abandonment?  Feeling like you can’t be your true self in a relationship?  Not being able to express your true self can be the cause for chronic illness, self sabotaging behaviors,…
June 18, 2022

Ep 289: The Inside Scoop on Hypnotherapy with Norman Plotkin

Can’t seem to change negative behaviors? Stuck in looping patterns that do not serve you?  Wish you could just tap into your mind and gain the wisdom needed to change? Hypnotherapy can serve as…
May 21, 2022

Ep 286: How to Rewire Your Brain With Simple Daily Techniques with Bob Doyle

Are you working on leaving behind a negative behavior, coping mechanism or vice?  Or do you want to transform your mindset, health and lifestyle in general?  You can undo the subconscious wiring that’s holding…
April 30, 2022

Ep 285: Conscious Eating with Live Foods, an Interview with Marcela Tobal Benson

How connected are you with the food that you eat? Do you ever think about where your food comes from and the nutrition you’ll receive from it? Marcela Tobal Benson is a Spiritual Nutrition…
April 23, 2022

Ep 279: How Dr. Mark Halpern Overcame his Struggle with Anxiety

Did you know anxiety, palpitations, and IBS have been linked to a lack of coherence?  Coherence is living a life that matches with your true goals, intentions and desires.  Dr. Mark Halpern has had…
March 12, 2022

Ep 277: Taking Charge of Your Health, Body & Mindset with Steve Q Wiltshire

Steve Q. Wiltshire has made fitness, health & mindset a priority for 3 decades! Shortly after winning the Mr. Oregon Body Building Competition, Steve developed an autoimmune disease that originated from a serious gut…
February 26, 2022

Ep 275: Brain Rewiring Made Easy

Trying to change your situation doesn’t work. Changing your brain patters do. Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns that do not serve you? Or do you find yourself in the same situations…
February 12, 2022

Ep 272: Are You Guilty of Not Being Able to Put Your Phone Down?

When you get a free moment, do you feel like you have to check your phone? Do notifications for email, text or social media have you feeling like you have to keep checking them? …
January 22, 2022

Ep 270: Looking for a Way to Build Your Emotional Intelligence?

How connected is your mind and body?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if you were tapped into your subconscious so deeply that you could predict what interactions were beneficial and which would be draining?  If…
January 8, 2022