Ep 104: Why Sensory Training Improves Anxiety And Focus

Do you struggle with anxiety and focus? Did you know that spending a few minutes a day training your senses can help you relax and improve your intuition at the same time? By focusing…
November 15, 2018

6 Tips To Reset Your Circadian Rhythm for Longevity and Happiness

In the United States the seasonal transition from summer into fall and winter has begun. That means many short, dark days are ahead. It can be tough on both the brain and body. Humans…
October 11, 2018

Ep 99: Reset Your Circadian Rhythm for Longevity and Happiness

Do the short days of fall and winter get you down? Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, struggle with insomnia or moodiness in the fall and winter? Did you know that there are…
October 11, 2018

Ep 93: Is Your Lack Of Sleep Affecting Your Will Power?

Are you struggling with chronic insomnia and finding yourself gaining weight? Have you lost your will power and find yourself struggling to avoid junk food? Are you eating yourself out of house and home…
August 30, 2018

Ep 086: An Interview with Coach Meredith Beard – Boost Mood, Calm Your Nervous System & Finally Get Results from Your Workouts

Struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, irritability, anger, toxic stress or pain? One of the most effective ways to deal with mood disorders, trauma and pain is to work on your mind muscle connection. Too…
July 12, 2018

Real Results: The Connection Between Mental Health and Fitness

Even if it’s not enough for a clinical diagnosis, most people would say at some point they have struggled with depression, anxiety, and especially stress or pain. Sometimes there are physical injuries affecting our…
July 12, 2018

To Maintain Fitness for Life Strengthen The Mind-Body Connection

Why do you want to get in shape? Usually the answer is to look and feel younger. It’s no wonder that anti-aging has become a billion-dollar industry full of skincare, supplements, and secrets to…
July 5, 2018

Ep 076: The Good, Bad and Ugly Sides of Inflammation

We hear the word inflammation all the time and we are told we need to reduce it but what is inflammation? Inflammation is a natural process in which the body repairs damage to it’s…
May 3, 2018

Ep 075: How Exercise Increases My Energy, Lifts My Mood and Improves My Social Life

Movement and exercise have been shown to have a plethora of benefits but I’ve found it to be incredible for boosting my energy, mood and motivation. Too many people come into my office saying…
April 26, 2018

Heart Rate Variability Improves Pain, Fatigue, & Mood Disorders

The strength of your vagus nerve determines how you react to pain, how you recover from stress, and workouts in addition to how well you are able to balance your mood. Your vagus nerve…
April 19, 2018

Ep 067: Does Stress Cause Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune disease is on the rise and it’s based on how well you manage your stress and your food choices. The strength of your protective mucosal tissue has been found to make up 99%…
March 2, 2018

Ep 063: Can Salt Water Reduce Anxiety, Depression and Stress?

Feeling overwhelmed and dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety? A little bit of Vitamin Sea and D are crucial for resetting the nervous system, boosting the mood and invoking a sense of calm. Traditional…
February 1, 2018