Is It You or Your Nervous System in Control of Your Health?

You know that feeling you get during a scary moving when the gal runs up the stairs and the dark figure with the knife follows her… Your heart is pumping out of your chest…
May 8, 2024

Hey Ladies – Simple Strategies Class for Summer Outdoor Fitness?

Longer sunnier warmer days have me thinking about cruising the lakes on my paddle board… ..and weekends with friends and family at their north woods cottages.  Then I think – I better see how…
May 7, 2024

Brain Fog = Brain Fatigue This May Help…

While in a podcast interview last week with Maite from Bio Stack a light bulb went off in my head.  Brain fog is a brain fatigue.  Not sure why that didn’t click for me…
May 6, 2024

Take Control of Your Health by Understanding Your Labs (Masterclass Tonight)

Adults over 40 have been conditioned to allow their medical providers to guide their health care. In a system that allows for one problem per visit and 5-15 minutes with your doctor – you…
May 2, 2024

Do You Ever Think or Say “I Wish I Was Younger”?

Last weekend while out hiking with friends I caught myself thinking “I wish I was younger”.  A friend was proposing a kayaking and camping trip to the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.  Camping and…
May 1, 2024

Overactive Nervous Systems Hijack Your Health…Here’s How…

Your nervous system is wired to protect you.  All day long it learns to recognize and memorize threats. Unfortunately, it mis-interprets danger often. You’re exposed to 80,000 plus toxins a day.  When your system…
April 30, 2024

Is Cortisol Keeping You From Optimal Health?

A March 2024 report stated 1 in 5 women reported their full or part time job work-life balance has worsened over the last year.  Matches what I hear in my office as well! With…
April 25, 2024

I Want to Teach You How to Read Your Basic Labs.

You’re entitled to know the difference between “normal” and “optimized” lab levels. It’s not uncommon for patients to tell me their doctor never called to discuss their labs… …so no news is good news?…
April 24, 2024

Are Your Multiple Food Personalities Messing with Your Blood Sugar?

Research shows 1 in 3 Americans are pre-diabetic. This matches what I see in my practice. In the last decade I’ve seen blood sugar imbalances be the gateway to chronic illnesses.  For many it’s…
April 23, 2024

I Found a Way to Justify My Chocolate Addiction

As a kid I thought dark chocolate was vile.  Somehow in my late 20’s it grew on me.  Kinda like beets, Brussels sprouts, oatmeal and wine. As a newbie naturopathic doctor I used herbs…
April 18, 2024

I Was Shocked When I Saw My Labs

Lab work is a report card for your body. It’s a check in to see how things are going. At least 1-2 times a year I’m assessing blood sugar, cholesterol, electrolytes, inflammation, blood cell…
April 17, 2024

Zone 2 Cardio and Longevity…

A fast metabolism, balanced hormones and a fit physique means nothing if your heart is not healthy.  Zone 2 cardio is the latest buzz phrase in the fitness industry. It’s the zone that’s been…
April 16, 2024