Hemp Oil to Reduce Pain, Anxiety & Depression – Lane Kennedy Levy Interview

Hemp oil has been used for thousands of years as a medicine to help with pain and inflammation in the body. It’s fatty acid breakdown is similar to that of flaxseed thus it’s omega…
May 17, 2018

Ep 076: The Good, Bad and Ugly Sides of Inflammation

We hear the word inflammation all the time and we are told we need to reduce it but what is inflammation? Inflammation is a natural process in which the body repairs damage to it’s…
May 3, 2018

Ep 073: How Stress & Leaky Gut Team Up to Cause Vagus Nerve Inflammation

Vagus nerve inflammation can determine how intensely stress affects you. Ever wondered how and why stress can make you physically sick in many ways? There is a strong connection between gut inflammation and anxiety…
April 12, 2018

Ep 069: How Spices Keep Stress from Killing You

Stress is often overlooked as doctors pick apart and investigate the symptoms that a patient has not the cause. How often do we really assess what we are eating and the lives that we…
March 16, 2018

Ep 067: Does Stress Cause Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune disease is on the rise and it’s based on how well you manage your stress and your food choices. The strength of your protective mucosal tissue has been found to make up 99%…
March 2, 2018

Ep 061: Why Stress, Leaky Gut, Chronic Inflammation & Viral Infections Are All Connected!

Stress, poor diet, insomnia, and leaky gut cause chronic inflammation in the body that promotes virus replication. We all have viruses hanging out in our bodies whether they are provoking symptoms or not depends…
January 18, 2018

Ep 039: Don’t Hate on Wheat for Gut Issues, Skin Rashes, Puffy Eyes and Weight Gain

Organic whole grains are better, no sprouted grains are better no avoid grains all together for the best health. Which is it? Confused about what gluten is and what it really does to your…
August 15, 2017

Ep: 037 Are Vaccines Good or Bad for Us?

Not sure what to think about vaccines? You’re not alone. You’ve likely heard of a story where someone got the flu from the flu shot or maybe you have heard of autism being connected…
August 2, 2017

What You Should Do to Prepare Yourself For a Vaccine

The topic of vaccines is controversial and likely you’ve found yourself wondering, are vaccines good or bad for you? It’s hard to sift through all of the information on both sides of the debate…
August 2, 2017