Ep 067: Does Stress Cause Autoimmune Disease?
Autoimmune disease is on the rise and it’s based on how well you manage your stress and your food choices. The strength of your protective mucosal tissue has been found to make up 99%…
March 2, 2018
Ep 066: How Heat Therapy Boosts Mood, Improves Circulation and Mobility
Have you noticed that your mood improves and you feel more alive when your warm and circulation is improved? Find that you feel best when soaking up some rays at the beach? You’re not…
February 23, 2018
Ep 065: How Your Sugar Addiction is Ruining Your Skin
Do you have a sugar addiction on top of chronic pain, reduced mobility, cellulite, dull skin, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, dry or saggy, loose skin? Or do you have diabetes, are pre-diabetic…
February 16, 2018
Ep 064: Can Your Fascial Tissue Cause Pain & Reduce Strength?
Chronic aches and pains? Why do we have pain, is it our muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves or fascia? All of our tissues are wrapped with a nerve rich fascia that allows our insides…
February 12, 2018
Ep 063: Can Salt Water Reduce Anxiety, Depression and Stress?
Feeling overwhelmed and dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety? A little bit of Vitamin Sea and D are crucial for resetting the nervous system, boosting the mood and invoking a sense of calm. Traditional…
February 1, 2018
Ep 062: Proof That You Can Maintain a Healthy Life Balance
Want proof that you can maintain a healthy life balance and still enjoy good food, travel and save room for indulgences along the way? In this episode Doc J interviews journalist turned blogger Kate…
January 25, 2018
Ep 061: Why Stress, Leaky Gut, Chronic Inflammation & Viral Infections Are All Connected!
Stress, poor diet, insomnia, and leaky gut cause chronic inflammation in the body that promotes virus replication. We all have viruses hanging out in our bodies whether they are provoking symptoms or not depends…
January 18, 2018
Ep 060: Why Your Clutter is Contributing to Your Stress & Breaking Your Brain
Studies have shown that stress, brain fog, anxiety and depression can be reduced dramatically when we remove clutter from our home, office and life. In a one click buy and stock up store society…
January 11, 2018
Ep 059: Fight Stress, Anxiety and Depression with The Muse
Studies have shown that stress, anxiety and depression can be reduced dramatically with regular meditation. However, not many are able to meditate at all let alone on a regular basis. Did you know there’s…
January 5, 2018
Ep 058: Get Rid of Gut Issues by Knowing Your Gut Bugs
Gut issues like constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, IBS, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis are related to the presence or lack of certain gut bacteria. The overproduction of gas in the intestinal tract is related to…
December 27, 2017
Ep 057: Are Your Sinus Problems & Migraines Caused by Your Gut?
Struggling with sinus problems, chronic congestion, chronic throat clearing or migraines? Your gut health and ability to digest foods properly has a lot to do with the health of your sinus tissue. When you…
December 20, 2017
Ep 056: The Connection Between Chronic Pain and Emotions
Do you have chronic pain, struggle to manage stress, or a history of trauma? We are not taught how to manage our stress effectively thus for many of us we hold it in and…
December 15, 2017