Ep 400: Are you assessing THIS to increase energy, fix thyroid disease and decrease inflammation?
Curious about functional medicine and how it can benefit you? Wondering about what health restoration programs look like and what types of interventions are involved? Looking for certainty and safety with a step by…
September 20, 2023
Ep 394: Factors in your environment that are impacting your health right now!
Not feeling yourself lately? Have hypothyroid symptoms but labs coming back normal? Blood sugar off and gaining weight? Curious about changes in your health post pandemic? In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast,…
August 30, 2023
Inside Look at Your Cells in Stress Mode
Long term decreased circulation impairs cell function. The first cells to feel this are often on the gut lining. Gut cells rely on signals from the brain and vagus nerve to tell them what…
June 24, 2023
Ep 336: Hair Loss? It Could Be Low Stomach Acid. Here’s Why.
Have you tried shampoos, creams, an anti-inflammatory diet or hormones and still losing your hair? Did you know that many hair loss conditions start in the gut? Many adults lower their protein intake as…
January 21, 2023
Ep 303: What to Do When You Feel Sick, Tired, Untreated & Abandoned by the Medical System
Not getting the help you need when you’re sick is incredibly frustrating. Going from specialist to specialist and not having a treatment plan, solution or even answers can feel like a nightmare. Functional chiropractor,…
August 27, 2022
Ep 212: How to Optimize Your Thyroid Health
Do you wonder if you have a thyroid condition, struggle with hypothyroidism, have Hashimoto’s or perhaps you’ve even had thyroid cancer? Tiffany Flaten is on a mission to help ladies just like her live…
November 28, 2020
Ep 183: The Connection Between Chronic Illness & How Your Cells Respond to Trauma
In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Veronique Mead – a former family physician and assistant professor turned trauma therapist who now integrates the research showing how adverse life events effect risk for chronic…
May 14, 2020
Ep 182: Why Your Thyroid Isn’t the Only Cause Hypothyroidism with Dr. Kelly and Eric
Are you tired all the time, struggling to get through the day, hair is falling out, nails are brittle but you keep hearing your thyroid labs are fine? Current standards for thyroid care are…
May 7, 2020
Ep 144: Fatigue and Weight Gain: The Connection between Blood Sugar Imbalances and Hypothyroidism
Did you know that blood sugar imbalances are connected to thyroid conditions? Learn how to balance your blood sugar and find the right amount of carbs for your body.
August 22, 2019
Ep 134: Can Peptides Help Ladies with Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue and Sexual Dysfunction?
Peptides are small protein fragments that trigger your body to carry out a specific function or process in the body. Due to your exposure to toxic food, environmental exposures in addition to a stressful…
June 13, 2019
Ep 043: Could Your Fatigue Be a Thyroid Issue?
Energy crashing after lunch, slogging through brain fog, heart racing, too tired to make it to the gym, gaining weight despite dieting, lack of appetite, feeling chilly all the time, hair falling out, dry…
September 14, 2017
Are You Getting Enough Sunshine?
Feeing run down or finding yourself getting colds more often lately? Migraines or severe PMS? Fatigued and depressed with general body aches? When was the last time that you were out in the sunshine…
June 6, 2017