How to Fix Your Leaky Gut For Good

Are you sick of feeling like a medical mystery with chronic pain, skin rashes, increasing food sensitivities, recurrent sinus infections, headaches, and fatigue? Are you wondering why your body is revolting against you? Perhaps…
September 6, 2018

Ep 057: Are Your Sinus Problems & Migraines Caused by Your Gut?

Struggling with sinus problems, chronic congestion, chronic throat clearing or migraines? Your gut health and ability to digest foods properly has a lot to do with the health of your sinus tissue. When you…
December 20, 2017

Ep 049: What Is The Healthiest Way To Eat?

Gas, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhea or constipation got you wondering what you are supposed to be eating? Trouble losing weight? Lack of appetite or feeling ravenous all the time? Is the elimination an entire…
October 25, 2017

Ep 039: Don’t Hate on Wheat for Gut Issues, Skin Rashes, Puffy Eyes and Weight Gain

Organic whole grains are better, no sprouted grains are better no avoid grains all together for the best health. Which is it? Confused about what gluten is and what it really does to your…
August 15, 2017

Ep 016: Is Food Allergy Testing A Scam?

Do you have digestive issues, itching, rashes, throat swelling, sinus congestion, cough or difficulty breathing with certain foods? Noticing that you are becoming less tolerant of certain foods as you get older? Struggling with…
March 9, 2017

Is Testing Food Allergies a Scam?

Chronic digestive issues such as rashes, itching, and coughing can be caused by food allergies or food sensitivities. If you are wondering if food allergy testing is appropriate for you or if it is…
March 9, 2017

Is Leaky Gut Real?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.11.1″] Lately, more and more patients have been coming to me with digestive health issues that appear to be leaky gut. No one seems to know exactly why it’s so common…
January 22, 2017


WHAT TO AVOID WHEN YOU THINK YOU HAVE FOOD SENSITIVITIES Are you gassy, bloated, suffering from stomach aches, brain fog, fatigue, irritability, migraines, itchy skin, hives, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, muscles or joint pain? You…
February 23, 2016

Fix Your Digestive System in One Month | Video

Fix Your Digestive System in One Month After almost a decade of practicing medicine I have found that our digestive systems are key to our overall health and if the digestive system isn’t functioning…
February 2, 2016