Ep 270: Looking for a Way to Build Your Emotional Intelligence?

How connected is your mind and body?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if you were tapped into your subconscious so deeply that you could predict what interactions were beneficial and which would be draining?  If…
January 8, 2022

Ep 268: How Can You Tell If You’re Lacking Magnesium?

Are you tired all the time?  Struggling with muscle cramps or twitches, feeling weak, have abnormal heart rhythms, numbness or tingling, nausea or loss of appetite?  Addicted to sugar, coffee or chocolate?  You might…
December 25, 2021

Ep 265: An Insider’s Scoop on How 5G, Bluetooth Devices & All Your Technology is Impacting Your Health

Struggling with chronic headaches, fatigue, lowered resilience to infections, insomnia and nothing is working to relieve your symptoms? It’s time to take a look at the technology in your home and your devices. Have…
December 4, 2021

Ep 260: How to boost your resilience to infections & chronic illness without spending thousands on fancy treatments

Did you know that your body produces an antioxidant to fight invaders and to help it detox on a daily basis? You produce glutathione naturally but it’s production decreases as one’s toxic load increases…
October 30, 2021

Ep 229: Is a Vagus Nerve Infection Keeping You from Optimal Health?

What if every illness has a root cause connected to stress? In 2013, researcher Michael Van Elzakker presented his hypothesis on the “vagus nerve infection theory” and from what Dr. Krause has seen this…
March 27, 2021

Ep 223: From Chronic Fatigue to Thriving Entrepreneur with Lisa McDonald

Lisa McDonald is the founder and head connector at Integrated Connections. Integrated Connections is an online platform dedicated to healthcare staffing that specializes exclusively in Integrative and Functional Medicine career placements. She’s the connector…
February 13, 2021

Ep 222: Sleuth Out Your Chronic Fatigue & Depression with Genetic Testing

In this week’s episode of The Health Fix, I’m joined by Dr J Dunn, a Chiropractic Physician who’s certified in Functional Medicine, an author and an internationally known lecturer on Genetics and Nutrition. After…
February 6, 2021

Ep 202: Is Disassociation Your Response to Stress?

Do you find yourself struggling to connect your brain and body to achieve optimal health? Disassociation is a primal survival response that humans experience secondary to trauma to prevent the sensation of pain. Disassociation…
September 20, 2020

Ep 199: Breakthrough Your Emotional Trauma & Start Living a Trigger Proof Life

Unrepaired trauma within relationships or family can carry into adulthood and leave you stuck in life. Are you stuck in a repetitive cycle of toxic relationships, career drama, or struggling with emotional trauma? Are…
September 2, 2020

Ep 197: How to Detox Daily from Your Electronics, EMF & 5G Exposure

Have you noticed an increase in headaches, body aches, fatigue, weight gain, hormonal issues or memory issues since 5G was introduced? 5G networks emit radiowaves that create an electromagnetic field (EMF). Research has shown…
August 17, 2020

Ep 196: Deuterium – Is This Hydrogen Hijacking Your Ability to Make Energy & Stay Healthy?

Sick and tired of not reaching your health and fitness goals? Have you tried energy boosting supplement after energy boosting supplement and no change? It’s possible that you have to go back to the…
August 13, 2020

Ep 192: Are Your Cells Producing the Energy They Need to Maintain Your Health as You Age?

Almost every cell in your body has a “factory”, aka mitochondria, that produce energy. By age 40 your level of NAD production starts to decline. Are you tired all the time?  Are your workouts…
July 16, 2020