Ep 454: Transform Your Biology by Changing How You Think – With Dr. Anna Marie Frank

Depression or anxiety having you wondering what’s going on and what to do?  Tried medications or even supplements and haven’t seen any mood improvements?  Dr. Anna Marie Frank is an author, speaker, podcaster and…
March 27, 2024

Ep 452: Proof Your Mind Is Powerful Enough to Reduce Pain and Inflammation – With Brandy Gillmore

Is it possible to use your mind to help relieve pain and illness?  Do energy and emotions really impact your health?  Brandy Gillmore is an author and inspirational speaker who went from being disabled…
March 20, 2024

Are You Practicing Health?

I was asked last weekend, what do you do? Jokingly I said I’m a witch doctor who practices health. The look on my Dad’s friend’s face was priceless.  My Dad chimes in and says…
January 31, 2024

Can Your Thoughts Create Health Issues?

“If can you think it; you can do it” – Richmond Akhigbe You do the things you do because of your thoughts. For example, are you gaining weight or is your body composition changing?…
January 17, 2024

Ep 433: Authenticity Unleashed: Navigating Your Path to Truth With Graham Wardle

Are you looking for a deeper connection to yourself?  Do you find yourself pondering your purpose and role in this world?  Are you interested in learning more about yourself? If so, you’re not alone! …
January 13, 2024

You Can Change Your Brain…

You are what you think. What goes through your brain over and over again… …those looping thoughts of anxiety, worry, frustration, fear – you name it. If the majority of your day is consumed…
January 12, 2024

20 Word Script to Boost Hormones & Manifest Things?

According to an Ad on Youtube there’s a page from the Hebrew Bible that’s missing. It has a 20 word magical script that if you repeat it you will boost your testosterone as a…
October 20, 2023

Ep 408: Why the Body Keeps the Stories Not the Score! With Alex Boianghu

Wanting to look deeper into why you repeat the same patterns of addiction, relationships or situations keep repeating themselves for you? Curious about embodiment and brain body connections?  Wondering if EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization…
October 18, 2023

Therapy in a Bottle, a new tool I’m adding to my practice.

No, I haven’t invested in a vineyard or distillery! But I have been spending more time searching for what will help you get the best results with the interventions you’re making. The longer I’ve…
September 20, 2023

Ep 344: How to Achieve a Blissful Brain in 22 Minutes a Day with Dawson Church

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, not productive and unfulfilled when it comes to your life?  Feel like your moods, outlook and perception of life are not what you’d like them to be?  Tried therapy, supplements, herbs,…
February 25, 2023

Ep 339: Why Getting to Know Yourself Is Crucial for Your Mental & Overall Health with Dr. Alan Goodwin

Do you have a solid relationship with yourself? Or do you tend to disconnect from your thoughts and feelings? Or are you so judgemental about yourself that you would never say the things you…
February 9, 2023