Why It’s Ok to Question if Your Dental Work is Making You Sick

Do you wake up each morning hoping to feel amazing but left disappointed and asking yourself what’s wrong with you? Perhaps you’re thinking about jumping on the internet right now to see what else…
February 7, 2019

Ep 108: Do You Have Insulin Resistance? The Dangers of Stress & Added Sugars in The Diet

Chances are the more stressed you are the more you crave sugar. The more sugar you consume the harder it is for your body to metabolize it for fuel, so it’s stored as fat…
December 14, 2018

Ep 107: Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss Revisited

Red light and near infrared therapy are excellent for boosting weight loss, overcoming a plateau and boosting collagen production. A few months ago Dr. Krause discussed red light therapy for boosting weight loss and…
December 6, 2018

Ep 106: Do You Have An Eating Disorder?

Did you know that 1 in 4 people who diet will go on to develop disordered eating tendencies or a clinical eating disorder? Are you passing off your binge eating, over eating, stress eating,…
November 29, 2018

Ep 99: Reset Your Circadian Rhythm for Longevity and Happiness

Do the short days of fall and winter get you down? Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, struggle with insomnia or moodiness in the fall and winter? Did you know that there are…
October 11, 2018

The Real Reason You’re Struggling With Weight Gain

Are you struggling with chronic insomnia and finding yourself putting on weight? There is a connection between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Getting good sleep is one of the best things you can do…
August 30, 2018

How to Tell If You Have a Magnesium Deficiency

Do you have migraines, muscle aches, constipation or anxiety? Learn the signs of magnesium deficiency and the how the different types of magnesium can benefit you.
May 23, 2017