Ep 127: Are you Stuck in an Unhealthy Environment?

Did you know that the environment you live in shapes how you behave, your preferences and your outcomes in life? Take a look around you right now. Does your current environment support who you…
April 25, 2019

Ep 122: Are You at Risk for a Stroke?

With Luke Perry, the 90210 heart throb of the 90’s, dying recently many are inquiring about their own stroke risk. If you’re stressed out, have high blood pressure, diabetes or pre-diabetes, have elevated cholesterol,…
March 23, 2019

How To Know What to Eat & How to Exercise by Identifying Your Body Type

Photo by Julie Johnson on Unsplash Trying to get healthy and stay healthy isn’t easy. It’s downright frustrating when you keep hearing conflicting health information that leaves you confused. One day carbs are good…
March 3, 2019

Ep 113: How to Have Fun at Work with Dr. Greg Winteregg

Is the dislike of your job stressing you out so much that your health is declining? Do you wake up weekdays dreading going to work? Do you find that you’re sick, tired and fatigued…
January 17, 2019

Ep 111: How Habit Setting Helps You Design the Life You Want

Struggling to create new habits to achieve your goals? Did you know that your life right now is a sum of your habits? 80% that set New Years Resolutions throw in the towel by…
January 4, 2019

Ep 109: How Medical Research Online Causes Anxiety

Are you doing online health research? Learn how to find quality information information online without causing anxiety.
December 20, 2018

4 Tips To Balance Hormones with Hula Hoops

Being moody, struggling with insomnia and watching the scale go up is frustrating. Hormonal imbalances downright suck. Perhaps you’ve tried herbs, bio-identical hormones, meditation to name a few things and nothing’s worked. Finding the…
October 5, 2018

Ep 98: Why You Should Hula Hoop for Hormone Balance

Are you moody, struggling staying asleep throughout the night and finding it hard to keep weight off? Hula hoops aren’t just for kids as they can help you to maintain your balance, vital core…
October 5, 2018

How to Get Started with CBD Oil

When CBD oil comes up in discussions about pain and stress management it usually goes one of three ways: 1. Someone uses it and swears by it 2. Someone hasn’t tried it and is…
September 13, 2018

Ep 95: How To Get Started with CBD Oil

Do you suffer from chronic pain and you’re sick of popping pills to stay ahead of your pain? Perhaps your sick of the side effects of your current pain medication. Maybe you’re scared to…
September 13, 2018

The Real Reason You’re Struggling With Weight Gain

Are you struggling with chronic insomnia and finding yourself putting on weight? There is a connection between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Getting good sleep is one of the best things you can do…
August 30, 2018

How To Reverse Prediabetes Without Medication

Did you know that sometimes blood sugar issues are not diet related at all? Contrary to popular belief, blood sugar can be elevated by a lot more than sugary candies and cakes. Excessive and…
August 23, 2018