Ep 066: How Heat Therapy Boosts Mood, Improves Circulation and Mobility
Have you noticed that your mood improves and you feel more alive when your warm and circulation is improved? Find that you feel best when soaking up some rays at the beach? You’re not…
February 23, 2018
Ep 065: How Your Sugar Addiction is Ruining Your Skin
Do you have a sugar addiction on top of chronic pain, reduced mobility, cellulite, dull skin, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, dry or saggy, loose skin? Or do you have diabetes, are pre-diabetic…
February 16, 2018
Ep 064: Can Your Fascial Tissue Cause Pain & Reduce Strength?
Chronic aches and pains? Why do we have pain, is it our muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves or fascia? All of our tissues are wrapped with a nerve rich fascia that allows our insides…
February 12, 2018
Ep 052: Want to Age Well? Start Weight Lifting Right Now!
Feeling tired, weak, flabby and lacking endurance? Want to have muscle definition well past your 90’s? Putting the hours in at the gym or racking up miles on the trails but not seeing muscle…
November 15, 2017
Want To Age Well? Start Strength Training Right Now!
You’re struggling to maintain your muscle and you’re arms and legs keep getting flabbier. Lifting the groceries, the kids or the grand kids is getting harder and harder to do. You never imagined losing…
November 15, 2017
Ep 051: Pain: How to Find the Source of It & Fix It
Struggling with an area of pain but not sure what’s causing it? Wondering what to do with nagging pain that isn’t responding to muscle relaxers and ibuprofen? Not sure how to treat it or…
November 8, 2017
Ep 035: Are Weak Glutes and Tight Hips Causing Your Back Pain?
Struggling with chronic low back pain? Can’t stand, walk, run or workout for long periods of time because of your back? Did you know that most back pain is coming from your pelvis? Most…
July 18, 2017
How to Relieve Back Pain with Muscle Strengthening
Tight muscles in the front of your hips combined with weak gluteal muscles is directly linked to chronic back pain. Chances are you’ve spent a long period of time sitting and then when you…
July 18, 2017
5 Ways to Get Sexy Ankles
Having swollen ankles is annoying and downright frustrating. Cute shoes always look great on the shelf but never fit or look right. The straps cut into the skin and the legs look like stumps…
July 12, 2017
Ep 034: Why You Need Sexy Ankles To Age Well
How your ankles move and look says a lot about your overall health. If they swell that means you have circulation issues, same thing goes for sock lines and that’s a sign of poor…
July 12, 2017
Ep 033: Are You Ignoring This Missing Link to Being Pain Free?
Dreaming of being pain free? Chronic low back or knee pain keeping you from all the epic things you want to do? Can’t seem to keep your hamstrings from tightening up on you during…
July 5, 2017
Ep 33: Are You Ignoring This Missing Link to Being Pain Free?
Today I’m going to be talking about one of the things that we tend to ignore but that is crucial to our overall health and mobility: feet. In my practice, when a patient has…
July 5, 2017