Ep 289: The Inside Scoop on Hypnotherapy with Norman Plotkin

Can’t seem to change negative behaviors? Stuck in looping patterns that do not serve you?  Wish you could just tap into your mind and gain the wisdom needed to change? Hypnotherapy can serve as…
May 21, 2022

Ep 286: How to Rewire Your Brain With Simple Daily Techniques with Bob Doyle

Are you working on leaving behind a negative behavior, coping mechanism or vice?  Or do you want to transform your mindset, health and lifestyle in general?  You can undo the subconscious wiring that’s holding…
April 30, 2022

Ep 275: Brain Rewiring Made Easy

Trying to change your situation doesn’t work. Changing your brain patters do. Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns that do not serve you? Or do you find yourself in the same situations…
February 12, 2022

Ep 254: Have You Unlocked the Wisdom of Your Conscience Mind?

Do you find yourself repeating the same mistakes with trying to get healthy, stay fit, create & maintain relationships?  Noticing that you seem to keep falling victim to your own self sabotage? Chances are…
September 18, 2021

Ep 239: How to Rewire Your Brain to End Fearful & Negative Thoughts

Are your thoughts triggering you & stressing you out? Have you been to countless counselors & not finding solutions in your quest to “fix yourself?” What if there’s nothing to fix & instead an…
June 4, 2021

Ep 234: Could Stress & Chronic Infections Be Keeping You From Losing Weight

If you’re struggling to lose weight and you’re frustrated because nothing is working it’s time to dive deeper into what’s going on in your body. Chronic low-grade infections in the gut & nerves are…
April 30, 2021

Ep 217: Steps to Get Your Mind Right On Your Own Terms

Are you battling trauma or PTSD? Has CoVID brought up more trouble for you? Gunjani Patel is a licensed mental health specialist, trauma specialist & neuroscience nerd AND the host of the Traumatic Transformations…
January 2, 2021

Ep 216: How to Repel Toxic People & Relationships

Do you find your relationships keep playing out in the same way? Are you seeing a pattern with friendships & relationships that draining & frustrating you? Did you know if you work on yourself…
December 26, 2020

Ep 215: How Discipline with Health & Fitness Can Transform Your Life

Do you find yourself struggling to get healthy & stay fit? Hannah Powley is a fitness, nutrition, mindset & empowerment coach who is transforming lives left & right in Calgary & online with her…
December 19, 2020

Ep 207: Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Are you feeling overwhelmed or burnt out in your career to the point you’re dreaming daily of an escape route? Is it causing fatigue to the point that you’re not enjoying your life to…
October 24, 2020

Ep 195: Rewire Your Brain to Overcome Chronic Illness, Trauma, & Self Sabotage

How you view and treat yourself dictates how well you thrive in life – from chronic illness and pain to surviving trauma. From a young age your brain becomes hard wired in it’s thoughts…
August 8, 2020

Ep 168: Biohacking Your Way Back to Health with Shawn Wells

Are you struggling with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or insomnia? You can get your life back by taking an honest look at your personality, habits and mindset. The more you know about yourself the more…
February 6, 2020