Ep 471: Chinese Medicine Dietary Secrets for Coughs, Cholesterol, Hormones and Longevity With Dr. Angela Zeng

This episode is the second part of a two part series with Dr. Angela Zeng. East Asian medicine has a lot of food remedies for common medical issues.  Unless you study Chinese Medicine or…
May 25, 2024

Ep 458: The Crucial Role of Minerals in Boosting Energy and Metabolism With Kaely McDevitt

Struggling with your hormones? Feeling burn out, fatigued and just not your best?  Kaely McDevitt is a registered dietician specializing in nutrition for women’s health. Having experienced the pitfalls of a conventional approach to…
April 10, 2024

Neck tension, gut function and hormone balance are connected. Here’s how!

You’re all alone and step into a dark house. The door slams behind you with a big rush of wind. Hair on the back of your neck stands up and you feel your stomach…
July 17, 2023

Are You Doing These 3 Things Every Day for Your Hormone Balance?

Pause, Breathe, & Reflect? It’s really easy for an entire day to fly by & realize you haven’t taken a break. Maybe it feels overwhelming to add something else to your day. Or you…
June 5, 2023

Ep 358: Are Your Probiotics Actually Supporting Your Fertility and Optimal Health?

Do certain strains of probiotics actually deliver on their promised effects? Can you improve vaginal health by taking probiotics?  Does the microbiome really have a role in hormone balance?  How do you really know…
April 26, 2023

Ep 353: What you want to know about testosterone replacement therapy

Curious about testosterone replacement therapy and if it’s right for you or a significant other?  Hearing the hype and intrigued but not sure what information is trust worthy?  Wondering about side effects, pros, cons…
April 1, 2023

Ep 324: Are You Overlooking the Basics When it Comes to Balancing Your Hormones?

Tried juice detoxes, going vegan, giving up food groups or taking a bunch of supplements to put your hormones in check but nothing is working?  Thinking about asking your doctor for a hysterectomy?  Told…
December 7, 2022

Ep 261: How to Take Control of Your Hormones without Wasting Money on Expensive Treatments

Are you in peri-menopause or menopause and struggling with putting your hormones in check?  Do you feel like your weight is out of control, your metabolism has slowed and you’re losing your mind?  If…
November 6, 2021

Ep 180: 12 Week Challenge to Balance Your Hormones with Dr. Beth Westie

What sets you apart from others in achieving lasting sustainable weight loss? Hormones. Have you tried everything to get your weight off from starvation to food group restriction? Dr. Beth understands your pain. Dr.…
April 23, 2020

Ep 118: The Secret to Happiness is a Healthy Vagina

Chronic vaginal infections, discharge, pain or discomfort is more common that you think. Many ladies are too embarrassed to talk with their partners about their vaginal health leading to unnecessary fights, avoidance of sex…
February 23, 2019

4 Reasons Why You Have Chronic Vaginitis

Photo by Kira Ikonnikova on Unsplash You can feel it coming on, that not so fresh feeling down there. Perhaps it’s burning, maybe it’s itching, or both. All you know is things don’t feel…
February 23, 2019

4 Tips To Balance Hormones with Hula Hoops

Being moody, struggling with insomnia and watching the scale go up is frustrating. Hormonal imbalances downright suck. Perhaps you’ve tried herbs, bio-identical hormones, meditation to name a few things and nothing’s worked. Finding the…
October 5, 2018