[Video Transcript]
Hey everybody Doctor Krause here in my basement
gym gonna show you the tip of the day Don’t
forget about planks They’re great for you
core The stronger your core is the better
your balance and the better your strength
is overall So side plank here Put your
elbow underneath your shoulder so its in line
Put your hand on your hip and you can kind
of come up just like this now you can see
I’m holding myself up This is going to work
this side of your abs your lat right here
and you just kind of hold it like this and
you can tighten your gluts and you can tighten
your arms and everywhere Tighten that belly
up so if someone hit you it would be nice
and strong and we just kind of hold it You
can see if you can do this up to seconds
That’s your goal and then if your dog comes
in and hangs out with you He can have some
of the fun too This is bear everyone Alright
tip of the day planks seconds Then you
can switch to the other side as well and do
it on the opposite side not that I want not
that I want to turn my back to you and you
can go this way forward and you can tickle
your dog’s nose at the same time Have a great