Ep 240: The Inside Scoop on How to Detox Daily

After suffering from multiple health issues, including rectal bleeding, two separate skin issues, chronic acid indigestion and surgery to remove his gallbladder due to serious digestive issues, Tim knew something had to change. But…
June 12, 2021

Ep 239: How to Rewire Your Brain to End Fearful & Negative Thoughts

Are your thoughts triggering you & stressing you out? Have you been to countless counselors & not finding solutions in your quest to “fix yourself?” What if there’s nothing to fix & instead an…
June 4, 2021

Ep 238: How to Eat to Keep Your Gut Healthy

Are you confused about what’s best for your gut health?  With so many diets out there touting to be the best for your overall gut health – how do you know what’s best for…
May 29, 2021

Ep 237: How to Reboot a Frozen Metabolism with Conditioning Training

Do you cut calories and increase workout intensity in hopes of losing weight only to find that you can’t get the scale to move or you gain weight? This is a common phenomenon and…
May 22, 2021

Ep 236: How to End Your Struggle with Emotional Eating

Tricia Nelson lost fifty pounds & has kept it off for over 30 years by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. Tricia has spent over 3 decades researching the hidden…
May 15, 2021

Ep 235: The Mindset & Routine Mistakes You’re Making When it Comes to Your Weight

Do you have brain damage from everything you’ve learned about food & fitness?  Has it caused you to set routines and create food rules that do not serve you?  Stress is often caused by…
May 8, 2021

Ep 234: Could Stress & Chronic Infections Be Keeping You From Losing Weight

If you’re struggling to lose weight and you’re frustrated because nothing is working it’s time to dive deeper into what’s going on in your body. Chronic low-grade infections in the gut & nerves are…
April 30, 2021

Ep 233: What to do When You Can’t Lose Weight – Part 1

Of the American population 43% over 40 & 36% of those 20-39 are obese. There is a direct connection to weight gain with age as after 30, 1% of muscle mass is lost on…
April 24, 2021

Ep 232: Why Your Period Tracking App Isn’t Accurate

Do you know what a healthy period looks like? Having a healthy period is an indicator of your over all health. Tracking a period using an app is common but it’s not a reliable…
April 17, 2021

Ep 231: Are You Making These Stress Inducing Mistakes?

Are you overworking, not taking breaks during the day, working through lunch & well into the evening? Are you struggling with fatigue, insomnia, stress & overwhelm? It’s possible your habits, routines & behaviors are…
April 10, 2021

Ep 230: How Astrology & Health Intersect to Prevent Stress & Overwhelm

Do you find you keep making the same mistakes over and over again in your career or with your health? Turns out astrology might have something to do with it. Now before you think…
April 3, 2021

Ep 229: Is a Vagus Nerve Infection Keeping You from Optimal Health?

What if every illness has a root cause connected to stress? In 2013, researcher Michael Van Elzakker presented his hypothesis on the “vagus nerve infection theory” and from what Dr. Krause has seen this…
March 27, 2021