Ep 276: The Benefits of Membership & Functional Medicine Practices

Do you wish you could spend more time in a doctor’s visit to be heard and get to the bottom of your health concerns?  You’re not alone. Many are turning to functional medicine, membership…
February 19, 2022

Ep 275: Brain Rewiring Made Easy

Trying to change your situation doesn’t work. Changing your brain patters do. Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns that do not serve you? Or do you find yourself in the same situations…
February 12, 2022

Ep 274: Brain & Body Communication Made Easy with The Nia Technique

Do you ever feel like your brain and body aren’t communicating as they should? Perhaps you feel like areas of your body are stuck and not moving as well as they should. Or maybe…
February 5, 2022

Ep 273: What You Should Know Before Your Next Trip to the Grocery Store

Do you know who really owns the company who makes your favorite foods?  When is the last time you read the label on your food?  Chances are you might be shocked to find out…
January 29, 2022

Ep 272: Are You Guilty of Not Being Able to Put Your Phone Down?

When you get a free moment, do you feel like you have to check your phone? Do notifications for email, text or social media have you feeling like you have to keep checking them? …
January 22, 2022

Ep 271: What You Should Know About Food If You Have Food Sensitivities

At a loss with your food sensitivities or allergies and feeling like you have nothing to eat?  Tried to eliminate certain foods for a few months and didn’t notice any change? Or have you…
January 15, 2022

Ep 270: Looking for a Way to Build Your Emotional Intelligence?

How connected is your mind and body?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if you were tapped into your subconscious so deeply that you could predict what interactions were beneficial and which would be draining?  If…
January 8, 2022

Ep 269: Are You Guilty of Reading Self Help Books But Not Taking Action?

Do you find yourself fired up ready to take action after reading a self help book but the motivation quickly fades?  You’re not alone. Many are addicted to the jazzed up motivated feeling you…
January 1, 2022

Ep 268: How Can You Tell If You’re Lacking Magnesium?

Are you tired all the time?  Struggling with muscle cramps or twitches, feeling weak, have abnormal heart rhythms, numbness or tingling, nausea or loss of appetite?  Addicted to sugar, coffee or chocolate?  You might…
December 25, 2021

Ep 267: Looking For a Way to Assess Your Overall Health?

Have you ever wondered if there was a test that could look at your total health? Well you’re in luck! The Ixcela Internal Fitness Company has a test that looks at 11 metabolites in…
December 18, 2021

Ep 266: What You Should Do When You’re Diagnosed with Food Intolerances or Allergies

If you’re been struggling with food allergies or intolerances for a while now or are newly diagnosed and not sure what to do this podcast is for you!Kathlena, The Allergy Chef, has over 200…
December 11, 2021

Ep 265: An Insider’s Scoop on How 5G, Bluetooth Devices & All Your Technology is Impacting Your Health

Struggling with chronic headaches, fatigue, lowered resilience to infections, insomnia and nothing is working to relieve your symptoms? It’s time to take a look at the technology in your home and your devices. Have…
December 4, 2021