Is Your Dna Making You Age Faster?

50% of the world’s population has the MTHFR mutation impairing the ability to process foods fortified with synthetic folic acid.  When this mutation isn’t working 100% you struggle to detox on a cellular level…
June 18, 2024

Is Blood Sugar the Hidden Cause of Your Fatigue?

Research has shown nearly 1/2 of the US population has either diabetes or pre-diabetes.  I’d say the same about what I see in my practice when clients first come to me.  Of course blood…
June 13, 2024

The Air in Your Home Could Be Making You Sick…

Research shows Americans spend 90% of their time indoors.  According to the EPA, indoor pollutants can even reach levels up to 100 times higher than in the air outside. 3.2 million deaths a year are due to…
June 4, 2024

I’m Obsessed With Lightning Storms…

A lightning strike delivers 300,000 volts of energy while one of your nerves deliver 0.07 volts of energy to send you a message.  You have an estimated 50 trillion cells. Cells are communicating 24/7.…
May 23, 2024

The Quickest Way to Reboot Your Motivation

Lack of motivation is real when it’s November in Tacoma, Washington and it’s day 28 of steady rain, fog and dreariness. A few years ago, I thought a December marathon in Las Vegas would…
May 15, 2024

Lack of Motivation Isn’t Normal aging…here’s Why…

3 clients last week said they felt like a switch flipped and they lost their motivation to do anything but lay in bed all day. In each case, it was a day begging for…
May 14, 2024

Is It You or Your Nervous System in Control of Your Health?

You know that feeling you get during a scary moving when the gal runs up the stairs and the dark figure with the knife follows her… Your heart is pumping out of your chest…
May 8, 2024

Brain Fog = Brain Fatigue This May Help…

While in a podcast interview last week with Maite from Bio Stack a light bulb went off in my head.  Brain fog is a brain fatigue.  Not sure why that didn’t click for me…
May 6, 2024

Ep 465: Can Nad Really Help You Feel 20 Years Younger? With Maite Brines von Melle

What if fatigue and brain fog didn’t have to be a part of aging?  Perhaps you’ve been hearing about the benefits of the anti-aging and energy boosting molecule NAD. Maybe you’ve seen it advertised…
May 4, 2024

Ep 463: The Neuro-Immune Mis-Communication at the Root of Chronic Illness – With Ashok Gupta

Curious about why some people can handle stress and illnesses and recover quickly while others struggle? Have you been sick and feel like you never recovered from the illness? Perhaps your body feels ok…
April 27, 2024

Ep 458: The Crucial Role of Minerals in Boosting Energy and Metabolism With Kaely McDevitt

Struggling with your hormones? Feeling burn out, fatigued and just not your best?  Kaely McDevitt is a registered dietician specializing in nutrition for women’s health. Having experienced the pitfalls of a conventional approach to…
April 10, 2024

Why Are You So Tired?

90% of the people I talk to want more energy! For most it’s not the magical B complex or the right herb that will do the trick in the long run. While supplements may…
April 4, 2024