Is Your Dna Making You Age Faster?

50% of the world’s population has the MTHFR mutation impairing the ability to process foods fortified with synthetic folic acid.  When this mutation isn’t working 100% you struggle to detox on a cellular level…
June 18, 2024

Overactive Nervous Systems Hijack Your Health…Here’s How…

Your nervous system is wired to protect you.  All day long it learns to recognize and memorize threats. Unfortunately, it mis-interprets danger often. You’re exposed to 80,000 plus toxins a day.  When your system…
April 30, 2024

How to Use Iodine for Detox, Energy Boosting and Overall Vitality

Do you remember the movie “Big Fat Greek Wedding” where the Dad sprayed Windex on everything? My Grandma’s Windex was povidone iodine. She’d get out the cotton ball and wipe down any cut or…
May 10, 2023

Ep 324: Are You Overlooking the Basics When it Comes to Balancing Your Hormones?

Tried juice detoxes, going vegan, giving up food groups or taking a bunch of supplements to put your hormones in check but nothing is working?  Thinking about asking your doctor for a hysterectomy?  Told…
December 7, 2022

Ep 277: Taking Charge of Your Health, Body & Mindset with Steve Q Wiltshire

Steve Q. Wiltshire has made fitness, health & mindset a priority for 3 decades! Shortly after winning the Mr. Oregon Body Building Competition, Steve developed an autoimmune disease that originated from a serious gut…
February 26, 2022

Ep 260: How to boost your resilience to infections & chronic illness without spending thousands on fancy treatments

Did you know that your body produces an antioxidant to fight invaders and to help it detox on a daily basis? You produce glutathione naturally but it’s production decreases as one’s toxic load increases…
October 30, 2021

Ep 240: The Inside Scoop on How to Detox Daily

After suffering from multiple health issues, including rectal bleeding, two separate skin issues, chronic acid indigestion and surgery to remove his gallbladder due to serious digestive issues, Tim knew something had to change. But…
June 12, 2021

Ep 193: Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Eileen Durfee is a former nuclear power plant developer & home builder turned home health expert who was able recover from food sensitivities, psoriasis & Hashimoto’s by removing toxins in her home. To help…
July 23, 2020

Ep 149: Dr. Krause’s Experience with the Accelerated Detox

With so many detox products on the market, how do you know which is best and safe for you? Dr. Krause interviewed Sara Banta about her detox program a month ago in episode 139.…
September 26, 2019

Ep 139: Restore Your Health with Silver – Interview with Sara Banta

Being and staying healthy this day in age is difficult. You have to be your own healthcare advocate. Sara Banta has done just that for herself and her family. After a lot of research…
July 18, 2019

Weight Loss With Red Light Therapy

Although red light therapy has been used in clinical settings all around the world since the 1980’s, it has only recently gained popularity in the US and Western Europe for weight loss. Most people…
June 28, 2018

Ep 068: What You Need to Know Before You Start A Detox

A detox can be useful to clear toxins from the body and reset after a long run of eating out, making poor choices and drinking too much but is it really worth it? Too…
March 8, 2018