Ep 478: The Impact of Non-toxic Food on My Family and Our Dog

Does going organic or eating foods not treated, grown or raised with pesticides really make a difference? Can you really turn health conditions around by stopping processed foods and ditching regular consumption of junk…
June 19, 2024

Ep 464: There’s No Saying “If I Was Younger” When It Comes to Getting Adventure Fit With Kelly Howard

Dreaming of outdoor adventuring but not sure where to start?  Looking for workouts tailored to your goals?  Searching for like minded women to adventure with?  Making friends over 40 isn’t easy and finding a…
May 1, 2024

Do You Ever Think or Say “I Wish I Was Younger”?

Last weekend while out hiking with friends I caught myself thinking “I wish I was younger”.  A friend was proposing a kayaking and camping trip to the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.  Camping and…
May 1, 2024

I Was Shocked When I Saw My Labs

Lab work is a report card for your body. It’s a check in to see how things are going. At least 1-2 times a year I’m assessing blood sugar, cholesterol, electrolytes, inflammation, blood cell…
April 17, 2024

Why Are You So Tired?

90% of the people I talk to want more energy! For most it’s not the magical B complex or the right herb that will do the trick in the long run. While supplements may…
April 4, 2024

Ep 342: You Can Be a Mom & Still Put Yourself First with Tara Lori

Is it really possible to live a healthy lifestyle while raising kids?  Fed up with taking care of everyone else while you sacrifice your health and sanity?  Tara Lori is a mom, health coach…
February 18, 2023

Ep 340: How to build a healthy body with Dr. Forrest Sauer

Are you sick of not feeling your best and searching for someone who can guide you?  Perhaps you’ve even seen a few natural or functional medicine doctors but you’re still feeling stuck with your health.  You’re…
February 11, 2023

Ep 336: Hair Loss? It Could Be Low Stomach Acid. Here’s Why.

Have you tried shampoos, creams, an anti-inflammatory diet or hormones and still losing your hair?  Did you know that many hair loss conditions start in the gut?  Many adults lower their protein intake as…
January 21, 2023

Ep 335: Your Life Stress Depletes Cannabinoids. Balance It Without Getting High.

The incredibly balancing endocannabinoid system’s benefits are being overshadowed by the stigma of marijuana and getting high.  Unfortunately, most educators and medical providers are not fully educated or have written off medical marijuana as…
January 18, 2023

Ep 333: Going Back to Basics – Lifestyle & Natural Medicine Approaches with Dr. Amy Rothenberg

Looking for a different approach to your healthcare?  Wondering what a naturopathic doctor is all about?  Curious about natural approaches to cancer care and what to do after treatment?  Dr. Amy Rothenberg has practiced…
January 11, 2023

Ep 332: Lose Weight for The Last Time with David Greenwalt

Obesity has increased from 15% in 1970 to 43% in 2022. Could it be the ultra processed addictive foods messing with your metabolism? Have you been duped by the food industry into thinking certain…
January 7, 2023

Ep 329: You Don’t Need a Diagnosis to Heal From Trauma, Addictions and Mental Illness. Here’s Why..with Jason Shiers

Is the conventional medicine model doing more harm than good by labeling, diagnosing and medicating varied normal coping mechanisms for mental health conditions? Have we overlooked the various ways the human mind copes with…
December 28, 2022