Is This a Hidden Threat to Your Nervous System?
Safety is your nervous system’s #1 concern. The vagus nerve is in charge of keeping a log of your reactions to threats to your safety. Unfortunately, your version of safety and it’s version are…
May 9, 2024
Is It You or Your Nervous System in Control of Your Health?
You know that feeling you get during a scary moving when the gal runs up the stairs and the dark figure with the knife follows her… Your heart is pumping out of your chest…
May 8, 2024
Ep 463: The Neuro-Immune Mis-Communication at the Root of Chronic Illness – With Ashok Gupta
Curious about why some people can handle stress and illnesses and recover quickly while others struggle? Have you been sick and feel like you never recovered from the illness? Perhaps your body feels ok…
April 27, 2024
Ep 231: Are You Making These Stress Inducing Mistakes?
Are you overworking, not taking breaks during the day, working through lunch & well into the evening? Are you struggling with fatigue, insomnia, stress & overwhelm? It’s possible your habits, routines & behaviors are…
April 10, 2021
Ep 229: Is a Vagus Nerve Infection Keeping You from Optimal Health?
What if every illness has a root cause connected to stress? In 2013, researcher Michael Van Elzakker presented his hypothesis on the “vagus nerve infection theory” and from what Dr. Krause has seen this…
March 27, 2021
Ep 148: Why Your Inflammatory Reflex is Making You Fat and Sick
Are you struggling with gut issues, battling anxiety and can’t lose weight? Chances are your body lost it’s ability to keep inflammation in check. The vagus nerve is in charge of sensing what’s happening…
September 19, 2019
Ep 147: Neurosteroids for Anxiety, Panic, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorders
Struggling with anxiety, panic disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and feeling like your stuck in fight or flight mode? Learn how to calm your nervous system with neurosteroids.
September 12, 2019
Heart Rate Variability Improves Pain, Fatigue, & Mood Disorders
The strength of your vagus nerve determines how you react to pain, how you recover from stress, and workouts in addition to how well you are able to balance your mood. Your vagus nerve…
April 19, 2018
Ep 073: How Stress & Leaky Gut Team Up to Cause Vagus Nerve Inflammation
Vagus nerve inflammation can determine how intensely stress affects you. Ever wondered how and why stress can make you physically sick in many ways? There is a strong connection between gut inflammation and anxiety…
April 12, 2018