If You’re Struggling With Stress Eating You Gotta Read What Happened to Me Last Night!

I owe my pal Ali Shapiro big time for the “ah ha” moments she’s helped me to uncover in the last 3 months.  Little did I know on a podcast interview with her that…
September 14, 2024

Ep 496: 4 Ways to End Your Battle With Burnout – With Dr. Greg Hammer

82% of employees are at risk of burnout this year according to Fortune magazine. In 2023 physician burnout dropped from 48% to 62.8% in 2021, according to the American Medical Association. Perhaps the drop…
August 21, 2024

Overactive Nervous Systems Hijack Your Health…Here’s How…

Your nervous system is wired to protect you.  All day long it learns to recognize and memorize threats. Unfortunately, it mis-interprets danger often. You’re exposed to 80,000 plus toxins a day.  When your system…
April 30, 2024

Is Cortisol Keeping You From Optimal Health?

A March 2024 report stated 1 in 5 women reported their full or part time job work-life balance has worsened over the last year.  Matches what I hear in my office as well! With…
April 25, 2024

Proof Gratitude Lowers Stress…

“According to the recent Stress in America 2023 nationwide survey by the American Psychological Association, nearly half of parents surveyed say their stress levels are completely overwhelming on most days. Over four out of 10 parents…
November 22, 2023

Does Stress Make You Want to Run, Hide or Freeze? Knowing This Matters.

Understanding how your body deals with stress is the foundation to balancing your nervous system.  The nervous system response to stress is at the root of all imbalances that lead to illness. Short on…
June 30, 2023

Ep 369: Put your stress in check & boost your mood in a few minutes a day

Finding it tough to meditate, de-stress and slow down during the day?  Would a few minutes a day be effective?  What if meditation just isn’t your jam, what can you do to find calm…
June 3, 2023

Steps to Restore Balance in the Body

To restore balance in the body you want to get the basic functions back up and running. I often will address them in this order while working on sleep. Sleep is when you repair,…
May 29, 2023

Are You Addicted to Stress Causing Weight Gain, Fatigue, Anxiety & Elevated Blood Pressure?

Being stuck in fight or flight all the time is hard on the body.  The crazy thing is, you may not even feel that stress is in an issue for you! You may even…
May 17, 2023

Ep 356: You can strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system to fight anxiety – with Steven Wright

Finding that you have more anxiety as you get older?  Worried that it’s interfering with your everyday life?  Not keen on taking pharmaceutical medications and looking for something herbal that is faster acting?  Wish…
April 15, 2023

Ep 351: How your connection with yourself and others affects your health with Katrina Starr

Do you feel disconnected from yourself and/or society?  Do you suspect that you’re holding onto a lot of repressed emotions and feeling stuck because of it?  Are you craving being able to be your…
March 22, 2023

Ep 338: Are your thoughts & beliefs about yourself making you sick, fat and fatigued?

Wish your body reflected all the effort you’re putting in to keep it healthy?  Struggling with a slowed metabolism, hormone imbalances and nothing is working? Feeling anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated with your health?  Natalie “Nat” Newhart…
February 4, 2023