Ep 351: How your connection with yourself and others affects your health with Katrina Starr
Do you feel disconnected from yourself and/or society? Do you suspect that you’re holding onto a lot of repressed emotions and feeling stuck because of it? Are you craving being able to be your…
March 22, 2023
Ep 322: Get Past Your Fears, Worries and Self Sabotage Without Spending Hours in Therapy
Finding yourself repeating the same scenarios of self sabotage over and over aging? Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, worried or fearful when you know you don’t need to be? Wondering if you have ADHD? Dissatisfied with…
November 30, 2022
Ep 231: Are You Making These Stress Inducing Mistakes?
Are you overworking, not taking breaks during the day, working through lunch & well into the evening? Are you struggling with fatigue, insomnia, stress & overwhelm? It’s possible your habits, routines & behaviors are…
April 10, 2021
Ep 230: How Astrology & Health Intersect to Prevent Stress & Overwhelm
Do you find you keep making the same mistakes over and over again in your career or with your health? Turns out astrology might have something to do with it. Now before you think…
April 3, 2021
Ep 219: Stress Proof Your Life with Dr. Amir Rashidian
Sick of being easily overwhelmed, too busy to take care of yourself & constantly wishing there were more hours in a day? Do you wish you could wave a wand and make all your…
January 16, 2021
Ep 209: Are You Suffering From Career Burnout?
Are you feeling stressed, fatigued and not enjoying your career at all right now? Chances are you are suffering from career burnout. Dr. Aimee Sanchez and Dr. Jannine Krause both have stories about extreme…
November 7, 2020