Ep 076: The Good, Bad and Ugly Sides of Inflammation
We hear the word inflammation all the time and we are told we need to reduce it but what is inflammation? Inflammation is a natural process in which the body repairs damage to it’s…
May 3, 2018
Ep 039: Don’t Hate on Wheat for Gut Issues, Skin Rashes, Puffy Eyes and Weight Gain
Organic whole grains are better, no sprouted grains are better no avoid grains all together for the best health. Which is it? Confused about what gluten is and what it really does to your…
August 15, 2017
Ep: 037 Are Vaccines Good or Bad for Us?
Not sure what to think about vaccines? You’re not alone. You’ve likely heard of a story where someone got the flu from the flu shot or maybe you have heard of autism being connected…
August 2, 2017
Ep 019: Can Artificial Sweeteners Cause Leaky Gut?
Are you avoiding sugar but drinking diet soda and making low carb sweet treats with sugar substitutes? Depending on your use of artificial sweeteners you might be doing more harm that good in your…
March 28, 2017
Is Testing Food Allergies a Scam?
Chronic digestive issues such as rashes, itching, and coughing can be caused by food allergies or food sensitivities. If you are wondering if food allergy testing is appropriate for you or if it is…
March 9, 2017
Ep 010: Want Thick Healthy Hair – Fix Your Gut
Are you noticing that your hair is falling out, you have patches of hair missing or thinning hair chances are this is an inflammatory reaction that started in the gut. Stress, poor food choices…
February 15, 2017