Are You Addicted to Stress Causing Weight Gain, Fatigue, Anxiety & Elevated Blood Pressure?

Being stuck in fight or flight all the time is hard on the body.  The crazy thing is, you may not even feel that stress is in an issue for you! You may even…
May 17, 2023

Are Your Kidneys Causing Swelling, Fatigue, Blood Pressure Issues & More?

I’ve been seeing a lot of labs with lowered kidney function lately.  Maybe it’s all the fear the media is putting out there as the kidneys are the organs of fear according to East…
May 15, 2023

Incorporate This to Train Your Body to Carry More Oxygen to End Fatigue

You don’t have to “blood dope” like Lance Armstrong to boost your blood oxygen.  Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) is the #1 strategy to reset carbon dioxide tolerance and boost energy levels.  Practicing IHT strengthens…
May 5, 2023

Fatigued? You Need More Carbon Dioxide Not Oxygen…Here’s Why…

Deeper breaths = more oxygen getting to your cells …right? Nope.  You actually need more carbon dioxide (CO2) to build up with your breaths to get more oxygen circulation… What?   Brain sensors monitor…
May 1, 2023

Ep 330: Stop Guessing and Be Sure of What Certain Supplements Will Do. Here’s How With Wade Lightheart

Sick of wasting money on supplements that do not work for you? Why do so many people swear by magnesium for their health?  Curious about what supplements are best for you and your body?…
December 31, 2022

Ep 323: Don’t Try Growth Hormone Supplementation Until You Listen to This Podcast with Dr. Bruce Fong

Interested in boosting your hormones, energy and quality of life but not ready for bio-identical hormones?  Heard about the benefits of growth hormone but not sure if it’s for you?  Have a chronic medical condition that…
December 3, 2022

Ep 310: Why Most Lyme Treatments Fail

Have you been diagnosed with Lyme or suspect that you may have it but haven’t confirmed with testing?  Or perhaps you have chronic fatigue and suspect there’s something going on.  Either way, the basic…
October 15, 2022

Ep 308: How to Use Human Design to Find The Best Health Routine for You

Do you bounce from one diet or fitness routine to the next in your search to find the magic routine for you? Feeling lost when it comes to finding a health routine that suits…
October 1, 2022

Ep 303: What to Do When You Feel Sick, Tired, Untreated & Abandoned by the Medical System

Not getting the help you need when you’re sick is incredibly frustrating. Going from specialist to specialist and not having a treatment plan, solution or even answers can feel like a nightmare. Functional chiropractor,…
August 27, 2022

Ep 298: What to Do When You’re Diagnosed with Lyme Disease with Heather Gray

Lyme disease is one of the most debilitating conditions that comes with a plethora of symptoms from chronic fatigue to pain, neurological symptoms, anxiety, depression and more. The good news is there are more…
July 23, 2022

Ep 288: How Strong is Your Resilience to Fight Infections? with Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith

Does it seem that no matter what you do you keep getting sick?  Or does increased stress cause you to get sick? Are you concerned about over doing it with your supplements? With the events…
May 14, 2022

Ep 278: How Do You Recover From Stress?

How you recover from life & workout stress is determines how well you age. Hormone imbalances, thyroid issues and metabolic malfunctions are directly connected to your ability to put your stress in check. Tiffany…
March 5, 2022