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Probiotic Rotation Plan Explained

Your health is your wealth and the more diversified your gut portfolio is the better you will be at absorbing the nutrients you need for boosting your metabolism and energy levels. In my practice I recommend for my patients to take a daily probiotic and to rotate the probiotics that they use so that they can create a diverse community of beneficial bacteria in their guts. The way to rotate is to grab a bottle and when you are finished with that bottle go to the next type of probiotic and when that bottle is finished go to the next. I always start with the Lactobacillus based probiotics as these are the ones most commonly depleted by gastric irritation, genetically modified foods, pesticides and environmental toxins. If you have never taken a probiotic before don’t go for the highest dosages possible stay around 5-15 billion organisms as the 50-100 billion organism products can cause constipation. Next, I move to soil based bacteria as these are what we miss out on by not growing our own produce or over washing our hands with antibacterial soaps. Then I move to a yeast based beneficial bug called “Saccharomyces Boulardii”, which is effective in knocking down levels of Candida based yeast species that cause systemic yeast infections. Saccharomyces is also awesome for helping to stop diarrhea too. Then I repeat the cycle with a Lactobacillus based probiotic again but this time I up the dosage to the 15-50 billion organism dosage. Which dosage should you choose in the second round? It depends on your gut symptoms, if you are still pretty gassy and bloated it’s worth it to go a little higher on the spectrum to the 30-50 billion range. If things are going good stay within the 15-30 billion organism range. If you find yourself constipated on a higher dosage go back to a lower dosage or take one every other day. Don’t forget that probiotics need some fuel for their voyage through your digestive system. Find a probiotic that has a “prebiotic” included, the label will has FOS, or consider consuming 2 tablespoons of coconut flour (mix it into another food), a small boiled organic fingerling potato, 2 – 1/8″ slices of sauteed plantain, 1/4th of an organic apple or 1/4 cup of organic apple sauce with each probiotic capsule.

Keep in mind the best Lactobacillus probiotics are kept in the fridge. Soil and yeast based are shelf stable so if you are going to be traveling grab a soil based one like Primal Defense Ultra by Garden of Life or a yeast based one called Sacro-B from Thorne. The best Lactobacillus based low billion based are Jarrow-Dophilus and Ultimate Flora brands, while the best high billion concentration probiotics, in my opinion, are from Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Complete, Probiotic 50B by Pure Encapsulations (Dairy and Soy Free), Probiotic Supreme-DF (it’s dairy free) by Designs for Health, just don’t forget to store them in the fridge.

Probiotic Rotation Plan

Take Each Type for One Month

  1. Lactobacillus Based
  2. Soil Based
  3. Saccharomyces Boulardii
  4. Repeat Lactobacillus or add in fermented foods

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Fix Your Symptoms of Leaky Gut Now!

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Do You Suffer From…

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  • Stomach Pain
  • Bad Breath
  • Multiple Food Sensitivities
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Nausea
  • Autoimmune Conditions

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  • Migraines
  • Sinus Problems
  • Joint Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Brain Fog
  • Fatigue


Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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