Ep 478: The Impact of Non-toxic Food on My Family and Our Dog

Does going organic or eating foods not treated, grown or raised with pesticides really make a difference? Can you really turn health conditions around by stopping processed foods and ditching regular consumption of junk…
June 19, 2024

Ep 477: Are You Eating Poison? The Toxic Reality of the US Food System – With Zen Honeycutt

Americans of all ages are sicker, heavier and struggling with their health at an alarming rate.  What sets Americans apart from other countries?  The food system.  Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of…
June 15, 2024

Ep 471: Chinese Medicine Dietary Secrets for Coughs, Cholesterol, Hormones and Longevity With Dr. Angela Zeng

This episode is the second part of a two part series with Dr. Angela Zeng. East Asian medicine has a lot of food remedies for common medical issues.  Unless you study Chinese Medicine or…
May 25, 2024

Bloating Sucks…

Looking like you’re 6 months pregnant and living in your stretchy pants is a sign something is up.  It could be a food your body doesn’t like, gut bug imbalance, need for digestive enzymes,…
December 1, 2023

Ep 395: Sleuthing out chronic gut issues driving you nuts? Insider tips with Lindsey Parsons.

Trying to figure out your gut issues and can’t seem to find a protocol that works for you?  Know you have SIBO (small intestine bowel overgrowth) and you can’t seem to get it under…
September 2, 2023

Ep 340: How to build a healthy body with Dr. Forrest Sauer

Are you sick of not feeling your best and searching for someone who can guide you?  Perhaps you’ve even seen a few natural or functional medicine doctors but you’re still feeling stuck with your health.  You’re…
February 11, 2023

Ep 336: Hair Loss? It Could Be Low Stomach Acid. Here’s Why.

Have you tried shampoos, creams, an anti-inflammatory diet or hormones and still losing your hair?  Did you know that many hair loss conditions start in the gut?  Many adults lower their protein intake as…
January 21, 2023

Ep 330: Stop Guessing and Be Sure of What Certain Supplements Will Do. Here’s How With Wade Lightheart

Sick of wasting money on supplements that do not work for you? Why do so many people swear by magnesium for their health?  Curious about what supplements are best for you and your body?…
December 31, 2022

Are You Sick of The Usual Whey Protein Flavors?

If so, you’re in luck! Naked Nutrition has created a delicious new whey protein isolate that’s lemonade flavored. At first I thought, is it going to taste like a milky lemon flavor?  …but from…
October 23, 2022

Ep 300: Why You Are What You Don’t Poop Out with Dr. Robert Floyd

Struggling to eat healthy and take care of your gut?  Carrying extra weight and can’t seem to get it off? Curious what long term leaky gut inflammation looks like to an ER doctor?  Dr.…
August 6, 2022

Ep 292: Is Vitamin E the Antioxidant Your Cells Are Missing? with Dr. Barrie Tan

Having trouble lowering your cholesterol, blood sugar, C-Reactive Protein or reversing your fatty liver condition?  Did you know that the tocotrienols in vitamin E from various plants have been extensively researched for their effect…
June 11, 2022

Ep 287: What Does Stress Do to The Gut? with Steven Wright

Do you notice heavy meals, stressful social situations or eating while stressed cause you to have digestive issues? Ever wonder if you took a few more of a certain digestive supplement that you might…
May 7, 2022