Ep 478: The Impact of Non-toxic Food on My Family and Our Dog

Does going organic or eating foods not treated, grown or raised with pesticides really make a difference? Can you really turn health conditions around by stopping processed foods and ditching regular consumption of junk…
June 19, 2024

Is Your Dna Making You Age Faster?

50% of the world’s population has the MTHFR mutation impairing the ability to process foods fortified with synthetic folic acid.  When this mutation isn’t working 100% you struggle to detox on a cellular level…
June 18, 2024

Ep 477: Are You Eating Poison? The Toxic Reality of the US Food System – With Zen Honeycutt

Americans of all ages are sicker, heavier and struggling with their health at an alarming rate.  What sets Americans apart from other countries?  The food system.  Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of…
June 15, 2024

Ep 473: Your Home’s Air Quality Could Be Toxic! With David Milburn

If the air you breathe in your home isn’t healthy you may struggle with chronic sinus issues, allergies, rashes or it could be the underlying cause of your aches, pains and inflammation.  Air quality…
June 1, 2024

This Bean Sprout Has Super Powers

My husband and I are sprouting addicts. Every 3-4 days a new batch is rotated in the mix.  From broccoli to radish and even garbanzo beans – we’ve tried a lot of them. It…
May 22, 2024

Ep 470: East Asian Herbal Medicine for the Modern World – With Dr. Angela Zeng

The wisdom of East Asian medicine is passed down through generations and often only shared among those within a family.  Lucky for us – Dr. Angela Zeng is revealing some of her family secrets…
May 22, 2024

Overactive Nervous Systems Hijack Your Health…Here’s How…

Your nervous system is wired to protect you.  All day long it learns to recognize and memorize threats. Unfortunately, it mis-interprets danger often. You’re exposed to 80,000 plus toxins a day.  When your system…
April 30, 2024

Does Numbness in Your Arms or Hands Wake You up at Night?

Numbness in your arms and hands at night is a warning sign that something is off! It’s not uncommon to experience this when you have a nerve impingement in you neck. But it can…
April 15, 2024

When’s a Good Time to Detox?

Chinese Medicine teachings talk about spring and fall as the best times to detox. Spring is all about renewal and fall is about letting go.  Each year after the spring equinox passes I tend…
March 28, 2024

Ep 326: Are These Hormone Disruptors Coming From Your Hygiene, Food Products or Environment?

Curious about how your environment impacts your toxins that build up in your body?  Wondering if there’s something hanging around in your body that’s keeping you from your health or fertility goals?  Have you…
December 17, 2022

Ep 324: Are You Overlooking the Basics When it Comes to Balancing Your Hormones?

Tried juice detoxes, going vegan, giving up food groups or taking a bunch of supplements to put your hormones in check but nothing is working?  Thinking about asking your doctor for a hysterectomy?  Told…
December 7, 2022

Ep 290: The 30 Day Magnesium Foot Soak Challenge Results with Kristen Bowen

Have you tried foot soaks with real magnesium? Did you know that as you replenish your levels of magnesium your body may detox, uncover signs of other deficiencies and more?  The good news is by…
May 28, 2022