Are You Addicted to Stress Causing Weight Gain, Fatigue, Anxiety & Elevated Blood Pressure?

Being stuck in fight or flight all the time is hard on the body.  The crazy thing is, you may not even feel that stress is in an issue for you! You may even…
May 17, 2023

Ep 364: What your pet’s health can tell you about your own! Part 1 with Dr. Chris Bessent

Your pet’s health can give you clues into your own health journey.  If your pet has allergies or has chronic issues it’s possible there’s something making them sick in or around your home.  Dr.…
May 17, 2023

Are Your Kidneys Causing Swelling, Fatigue, Blood Pressure Issues & More?

I’ve been seeing a lot of labs with lowered kidney function lately.  Maybe it’s all the fear the media is putting out there as the kidneys are the organs of fear according to East…
May 15, 2023

Ep 363: A Spine Surgeon’s View On The Current State of Spinal Surgery Industry

Chronic neck or back pain have you or a loved one contemplating surgery?  29.9% of adults 18 and older have back pain. 7 in 10 of those with back pain will have a re-occurrence…
May 13, 2023

You Can Drink Water All Day and Still Be Dehydrated. Here’s Why …

I started to notice this phenomenon when I’d review labs with clients and there they would be in front of me with their huge water bottle.  That water bottle came to every visit with…
May 12, 2023

How to Use Iodine for Detox, Energy Boosting and Overall Vitality

Do you remember the movie “Big Fat Greek Wedding” where the Dad sprayed Windex on everything? My Grandma’s Windex was povidone iodine. She’d get out the cotton ball and wipe down any cut or…
May 10, 2023

Ep 362: Would your 90 year old self be fulfilled with the life you’re creating?

Is there more to life than the reality that you are living?  Could it be possible that your limiting beliefs are holding you back from your true potential?  How do you learn to trust…
May 10, 2023

Superfoods Greens Powders Have Nothing on These Two Original Antioxidants…

Seems like every week there’s a new superfood powder just waiting to be dumped into your smoothie or coffee.  While I’m not opposed to getting these in when veggies aren’t your thing. I do…
May 8, 2023

Ep 361: Hydrogen, the original antioxidant

Lourdes, France is famous for it’s healing waters.  What’s in the water to have people traveling across the world just to get a drink?  High levels of hydrogen.  Hydrogen is an extensively researched simple…
May 6, 2023

Incorporate This to Train Your Body to Carry More Oxygen to End Fatigue

You don’t have to “blood dope” like Lance Armstrong to boost your blood oxygen.  Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) is the #1 strategy to reset carbon dioxide tolerance and boost energy levels.  Practicing IHT strengthens…
May 5, 2023

4 Breathing Techniques to Ditch Anxiety & Fatigue!

Did you know your nose has a super power? Your nasal tissue makes nitric oxide! Nitric oxide is a natural antimicrobial agent as well as a dilator of blood vessels! That means it can…
May 3, 2023

Ep 360: Can’t seem to get your health in check since the pandemic? Gain some insights with Sara Banta.

Feel like something is off and can’t seem to get back to feeling amazing?  Eating clean, exercising and you’re still bloated, retaining water and struggling with a slow metabolism?  Finding your rings are tight…
May 3, 2023