The Only Diet I Find Useful…

Diets suck.  I started my first one when I was 8 years old after seeing my belly in a picture and my Dad commenting how I was “really filling out my school uniform”.  I’m…
August 16, 2023

Ep 390: Forget daddy issues, are mother wounds keeping you from reaching your full potential?

On a quest to get to the bottom of your life patterns and choices that do not serve you?  Looking to expand your spiritual development?  Perhaps you’ve heard of Daddy issues but mother wounds might not…
August 16, 2023

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats & Aging Are Connected. Here’s How.

Modern medicine can solve a lot of complex issues but hot flashes are still a mystery! Hot flashes are theorized to come from the brain centers where temperature is controlled.  The process of temperature…
August 14, 2023

Thyroid Issues and Hormone Imbalances Are Connected. Here’s Why.

Slowed metabolism, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, insomnia and constipation are common symptoms for adults over 30. These symptoms are either put in a bucket of slow thyroid issues, if you’re younger or hormone…
August 12, 2023

Ep 389: Address the nervous system to get game changing results with your health

Feel like supplements work for a little bit then they stop?  Do you tend to have a lot of adverse reactions to medications, herbs or therapies?  Have you been to a lot of medical…
August 12, 2023

Ep 388: Is decreased hearing impacting your brain health, cognition and connection to your world?

How much of life’s experiences do you miss out on when your hearing is not optimal?  What if your brain function could be enhanced by improving your hearing? Could better hearing help you liver…
August 9, 2023

Are You at Risk for Autoimmune Disease?

Women are more prone to autoimmune disease than men! Autoimmune conditions are more common as women’s hormone levels decline heading into peri-menopause and beyond. Why? In my opinion, it’s because the gut is used…
August 8, 2023

Ep 387: Hearing issues? The benefits of getting tested.

Questioning your own or a loved one’s hearing ability?  Have a history of exposure to loud noises and want to know where your hearing stands? Thinking it’s time for a hearing aid and curious…
August 5, 2023

An Opioid Medication for “Inflam-Aging”?

A client of mine told me about a podcast of two naturopathic doctors talking about an old medication that’s been making a come back as an anti-aging anti-inflammatory.  These two docs talk about how…
August 4, 2023

Where Is Your Body Cranking Out Cortisol & Causing Inflammation?

The stress hormone cortisol is often linked to the adrenal glands, making it seem like only the adrenal glands make cortisol.  Adrenal fatigue is a concept that’s thrown around a lot in naturopathic medicine…
August 2, 2023

Ep 386: Learn how to solve problems & reach health goals fast using this frame-work

Overeating, over-drinking, not finding your soulmate reaching your career goals?  You’re not broken, you’re using the wrong part of your brain to try to solve these issues.  Most people have spent their entire lives…
August 2, 2023

Being Fatigued Isn’t Normal

Fatigue isn’t part of aging it’s a sign of inflammation. It’s also not tied to just the adrenal glands and cortisol. Low cortisol is often linked to fatigue. The term “adrenal fatigue” is thrown around as the…
July 31, 2023