Ep 395: Sleuthing out chronic gut issues driving you nuts? Insider tips with Lindsey Parsons.
Trying to figure out your gut issues and can’t seem to find a protocol that works for you? Know you have SIBO (small intestine bowel overgrowth) and you can’t seem to get it under…
September 2, 2023
You’re Only as Healthy as Your Stress Response
Do you fight, run, freeze or lack a response when a stressor strikes? Knowing this tells you how to work with your nervous system. A fight or run response = strong or possibly overactive…
September 1, 2023
Are You Experiencing Inflammatory Weight Gain?
“Doc, I gained 5 pounds in one day but I barely ate anything!” I hear this often and I know I’ve said it to myself more than a time or two. Last week it…
August 30, 2023
Ep 394: Factors in your environment that are impacting your health right now!
Not feeling yourself lately? Have hypothyroid symptoms but labs coming back normal? Blood sugar off and gaining weight? Curious about changes in your health post pandemic? In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast,…
August 30, 2023
Are Your Nerves and Muscles Messing With Your Health?
My Dad’s muscles feel like beef jerky when I haven’t massaged them for a few weeks. Yet, when I can be consistent with a daily magnesium cream massages and getting him to fuel up on…
August 28, 2023
Ep 393: What would getting healthy mean for you and your family?
Finding it hard to stick with fitness and health routines while juggling family life? Wanting to be fit and healthy for your kids but can’t seem to stay on course? Dr. Anthony Balduzzi is…
August 26, 2023
Is Your Inflammation Coming From Your Brain?
Brain fog, overwhelm and general depression are signs of an inflamed brain. Even ADD can be brain inflammation! The crazy thing is that your daily thoughts and stories you tell your self might be…
August 25, 2023
5 Tips for Juggling Hormone Changes & Maintaining Fitness
Workouts and the body’s needs are different over 40. Likely you’ve realized what worked in your 20’s isn’t working for you now. Perhaps you’ve adjusted and you’re feeling ok… …or you’ve been wondering why…
August 23, 2023
Ep 392: How to get a year’s worth of therapy in one session
Been in therapy for a while and not making progress? Starting to feel hopeless that you’ll never break through your hang ups in life? Wondering why nothing seems to help you change the way…
August 23, 2023
This is Tragic!
Medical drama TV shows have doctors like Dr. Doogie Hauser and Dr. Gregory House from House going deep into patient’s cases to figure out what’s wrong with them. While in real life “mysterious illnesses”…
August 21, 2023
Ep 391: Is your “all or nothing” approach to health sabotaging your results?
How you care for yourself is often a reflection of what you’ve learned from a caregiver. Sadly, many adults are stuck in patterns of care that are rooted in self-aggression. After years in the…
August 19, 2023
Is Low DHEA Hijacking Your Libido, Strength, and Vitality?
Research has shown that DHEA supplementation, either oral or as a cream could benefit women and men looking to stimulate their body’s natural production of testosterone and estrogen. I see it as an alternative…
August 18, 2023