Do you remember when the age you are now seemed “old”?

What did you imagine you’d be doing for workouts or adventures at your current age?

Funny how the idea of age changes as you get older…

I had the pleasure of interviewing Instagram famous 76 year old fitness enthusiast Lauren Bruzzone for my podcast, The Health Fix. 

The episode came out today, click HERE to listen in. 

Turns out Lauren was often picked last for team sports in school and didn’t get into fitness till she was in her 50’s!

Now she’s popping up on her trainer, Wesley James’s Instagram feed with all the amazing things she can do with her balance and more!

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What struck me most about her is her message that you’re never too old to try something new and keep practicing – something – anything for that matter! 

Her Instagram worthy fitness feats?

She said those fun balancing tricks took her weeks to master!

And she notes her progress in a notebook to keep her motivated and on target. 

Lauren talks all about consistency, using common sense and taking it slow when it comes to fitness.

She treats fitness like a practice versus the traditional thought of a workout in the younger years.

Her coach is all about functional fitness – being able to do the movements that mimic real life. 

While she has a ton of short term goals her long term goal is to never have assistance when using the restroom well into her 90’s. 

That’s a goal I can get behind!

It’s interesting how things change when it comes to fitness as you get older!

I’m not sure when it changed from “looking good in a swimsuit” to making sure I can hover above a public toilet with grace at any age…

…but it happened and now the long term goal is to never end up in a nursing home or assisted living facility…ever!

And that’s right up there with keeping hiking, biking, paddle boarding, traveling and doing really cool stuff till I die.

So I ask you…what are your long term fitness goals and why…what’s in it for you in the long run?

What amazing things do you have on your bucket list that you might need to train for?

If you’re a heavy packer like me, the weight lifting functional movement – “the suitcase carry” might be something to add to your fitness routine. 

What real life movements could you improve to ensure you stay at the peak of fitness for your life?

Here’s a bunch of examples…

  • getting up off the floor without using your hands 
  • getting out of a chair or off the couch without using your hands
  • hopping from side to side with one leg (skaters = official name of the move) and holding each side for a few seconds
  • pull ups – these are tough but getting just one is HUGE
  • push ups
  • squatting down toward the floor or a chair with some weight and coming up 
  • bending over and picking something up with both legs (dead lift) or one leg (Single Leg Romanian Deadlift)
  • lunging forward, backward and to the side with or without weights
  • reaching over head to grab something and then putting it on the floor (chop twisting motion)
  • pulling a weight on a rope/hose/weeds (climbing a rope works too) – think less gardening injuries!
  • overhead ball slams and throwing a ball (knives, axes, dishes…great stress reliever, just saying)
  • bear crawls

I could go on and on…

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…what are some practical moves, areas of strength, balance or agility that are needed to keep you fit for your hobbies or life’s adventures?

Why is it that farmers (at least in my area of Wisconsin) tend to live into their 80’s and beyond?

They stay as active as they can with all their chores for as long as possible. 

So what could you do to prevent injuries and stay active for as long as possible?

While Lauren works out in a gym, she’s quick to note that any consistent activity is better than nothing…

…and challenging yourself to new goals when you master one thing, thinking of what’s next. 

For those of you who are younger, imagine if fitness wasn’t about losing weight but about getting better every day. 

What fun things could you practice and master?

Using fitness as a means to function well for life is what I envision for myself.

Lauren’s interview is inspiring and will have you thinking of how you could train yourself for your life’s adventures.

Finding a coach who will support you on your journey is key.

There are a lot of great coaches who are well informed when it comes to your needs as you get older.

If you’re looking for folks who have been trained like me, look for a Pain-Free Performance Specialist –  PPSC certified coach in your area. 

Dr. John Rusin is behind the PPSC training and he happens to be my personal fitness coach. 

If you didn’t download it yet, l highly recommend listening in to my podcast with Lauren Bruzzone (HERE), it’s the first in a series where I highlight women doing amazing things as they get older!

Speaking of that, I’m looking for podcast guests who are defying aging and doing some amazing things – so if you or anyone you know has a great story of staying active over 40 hit reply!

Here’s to staying fit for life!

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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