One Big Thing Connecting Fatigue, Metabolism and Cholesterol

Eating healthy doesn’t always equal optimal cholesterol levels. That’s incredibly frustrating! The conventional medical world recommends statin medications to lower cholesterol when the total cholesterol goes over 200 and the LDL is over 100. …
April 3, 2024

Ep 450: Discover Your Metabolic Potential With Advanced Metabolism Testing With Dr. David Duizer

Want a test to tell you what to eat and how to move?  Looking for advanced testing and protocols to help reboot your metabolism and mitochondria?  Dr. David Duizer is a naturopathic doctor and…
March 13, 2024

Weight Gain Isn’t Inevitable With Age!

Your metabolism doesn’t just break as you get older. Hormones and thyroid don’t mysteriously go off the rails. There are triggers that create glitches in the system that lead to weight gain. No one…
March 8, 2024

Ep 448: Unveiling the Truth Behind Weight Loss Plateau’s With Cody Watkins

Stuck at a certain weight and can’t drop weight no matter what? Feeling like you’ve hit a plateau with your weight and fitness progress. Cody Watkins was an out of shape high schooler who…
March 6, 2024

The Only Diet I Find Useful…

Diets suck.  I started my first one when I was 8 years old after seeing my belly in a picture and my Dad commenting how I was “really filling out my school uniform”.  I’m…
August 16, 2023

Aches, pains, injuries, energy & metabolism are connected to hormone cycles. Here’s how.

Did you know that ankle sprains happen during the week of and after ovulation for women? Men often experience pain intensify in the evening as they have 24 hour hormone cycles.  Sciatica and nerve…
July 12, 2023

Are You Lacking One or All of These 3 Minerals for Metabolism and Energy?

It’s no coincidence that thyroid conditions are on the rise and weight is a hot topic for so many! You’re part of a food system that creates mineral deficiencies. If your metabolism is slow,…
July 10, 2023

Ep 370: How to restore your hunger & full signals to lose weight for good!

Asking yourself why can’t you seem to lose weight and get your metabolism in check? Perhaps it has to do with the clean plate club you were programmed to follow as a kid?  Maybe…
June 7, 2023

Ep 360: Can’t seem to get your health in check since the pandemic? Gain some insights with Sara Banta.

Feel like something is off and can’t seem to get back to feeling amazing?  Eating clean, exercising and you’re still bloated, retaining water and struggling with a slow metabolism?  Finding your rings are tight…
May 3, 2023

Ep 331: How Do You Know What to Eat for Your Metabolism? Get a Lumen & Learn.

The most common question I get as a doc is “what do I eat to … insert health or fitness goal.”  Most of the questions are about weight loss but the same applies to…
January 4, 2023

Ep 292: Is Vitamin E the Antioxidant Your Cells Are Missing? with Dr. Barrie Tan

Having trouble lowering your cholesterol, blood sugar, C-Reactive Protein or reversing your fatty liver condition?  Did you know that the tocotrienols in vitamin E from various plants have been extensively researched for their effect…
June 11, 2022

Ep 261: How to Take Control of Your Hormones without Wasting Money on Expensive Treatments

Are you in peri-menopause or menopause and struggling with putting your hormones in check?  Do you feel like your weight is out of control, your metabolism has slowed and you’re losing your mind?  If…
November 6, 2021