Ep 056: The Connection Between Chronic Pain and Emotions
Do you have chronic pain, struggle to manage stress, or a history of trauma? We are not taught how to manage our stress effectively thus for many of us we hold it in and…
December 15, 2017
Ep 035: Are Weak Glutes and Tight Hips Causing Your Back Pain?
Struggling with chronic low back pain? Can’t stand, walk, run or workout for long periods of time because of your back? Did you know that most back pain is coming from your pelvis? Most…
July 18, 2017
Ep 034: Why You Need Sexy Ankles To Age Well
How your ankles move and look says a lot about your overall health. If they swell that means you have circulation issues, same thing goes for sock lines and that’s a sign of poor…
July 12, 2017