Master This and You Can Do Anything at Any Age

The most popular social media posts are 100+ year olds trail running, 90 year olds doing acrobatic tricks and the Kardashians doing anything. Society likes to be amazed and entertained – I get it. …
July 9, 2024

Ep 483: Ageless Strength: An Over 40 Fitness Coach Reveals Muscle-Building Secrets for a Lean Physique

Curious what it takes to hike big mountains, lift weights, maintain a lean physique and defy what society terms “normal aging”? Steph Figarelle is the co-owner of Figarelle’s Fitness, host of the Fit Fig…
July 6, 2024

Ep 459: Empowering Women to Master Strength and Longevity at Any Age – With Lalaina “Lala” Duncan

What does fitness look like as you get older?  How does being strong prepare you for life’s challenges?  Lalaina “Lala” Duncan started her coaching career at 37 and hasn’t looked back. She’s a highly…
April 13, 2024

Ep 430: Getting Consistent Weight Loss & Fitness Results With Cody Watkins

Getting in shape doesn’t have to be complicated. Health, nutrition and fitness are being overcomplicated with too many complex protocols and gurus contradicting each other. So how do you know what’s best for you? …
January 3, 2024

Being Fit Over 76…

Do you remember when the age you are now seemed “old”? What did you imagine you’d be doing for workouts or adventures at your current age? Funny how the idea of age changes as…
November 29, 2023

Ep 420: Consistency, Challenging Yourself and Enjoying Life to the Fullest With Lauren Bruzzone

Wonder what it takes to get fit and stay fit over 50?  Curious about going to the gym yet the idea of it seems overwhelming?  Lauren Bruzzone isn’t your typical life long athlete, in…
November 29, 2023

Ep 393: What would getting healthy mean for you and your family?

Finding it hard to stick with fitness and health routines while juggling family life?  Wanting to be fit and healthy for your kids but can’t seem to stay on course?  Dr. Anthony Balduzzi is…
August 26, 2023

Ep 379: Using your body’s natural mechanisms to enhance circulation with KAATSU

Struggling with poor circulation or aches and pains?  Finding you’re not recovering as quickly from workouts or injuries?  Losing muscle mass or looking to gain muscle mass?  Steven Munatones is the CEO and co-founder of KAATSU Global…
July 8, 2023

Ep 366: Why you can get your body back to what it was 10-15 years ago with Brian Gryn

Finding that you’ve sacrificed your health for your career or your family?  Feeling your confidence has taken a hit when you take your shirt off and look in the mirror?  Are men really that…
May 24, 2023

Ep 347: Why contracts help define & protect your relationship with your health & wellness coach – with Cory Sterling

How often do you read the contracts that your coaches, doctors, fitness professionals and wellness providers have you sign?  Or if you are an entrepreneur, wellness or fitness professional do you have and use…
March 8, 2023

Ep 343: Using Fitness to Connect to Yourself with Hannah Powley

Are you searching for the best fitness plan for your health?  Confused as to which book, plan, website, program or guru to follow?  What if I told you that you don’t have to follow…
February 22, 2023

Ep 338: Are your thoughts & beliefs about yourself making you sick, fat and fatigued?

Wish your body reflected all the effort you’re putting in to keep it healthy?  Struggling with a slowed metabolism, hormone imbalances and nothing is working? Feeling anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated with your health?  Natalie “Nat” Newhart…
February 4, 2023