Ep 487: Master Your Body’s Healing Process With Juanique Grover

The gut is one of the foundations to optimal health. If it’s not healthy it’s hard to have all day energy, keep your weight in check and have balanced hormones. Juanique Grover is the…
July 20, 2024

Ep 484: Harness Your Own Energy to Restore Balance in Your Body With Hope Pedraza

Humans harbor more potential energy than a lightning bolt yet, you aren’t taught how this energy amplifies your health or impedes it. Quantum medicine is the exploration of using your own energy to restore…
July 10, 2024

Ep 477: Are You Eating Poison? The Toxic Reality of the US Food System – With Zen Honeycutt

Americans of all ages are sicker, heavier and struggling with their health at an alarming rate.  What sets Americans apart from other countries?  The food system.  Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of…
June 15, 2024

Ep 472: Fascia – The Overlooked Link in Autoimmune Conditions, Chronic Pain and Illness With Anna Rahe

At 18 years old Anna Rahe felt like she was 80. Everytime she went for a run or hike it would take days for her to recover.  After being told her situation was a…
May 29, 2024

Ep 463: The Neuro-Immune Mis-Communication at the Root of Chronic Illness – With Ashok Gupta

Curious about why some people can handle stress and illnesses and recover quickly while others struggle? Have you been sick and feel like you never recovered from the illness? Perhaps your body feels ok…
April 27, 2024

Are Your Multiple Food Personalities Messing with Your Blood Sugar?

Research shows 1 in 3 Americans are pre-diabetic. This matches what I see in my practice. In the last decade I’ve seen blood sugar imbalances be the gateway to chronic illnesses.  For many it’s…
April 23, 2024

Ep 444: Why You Don’t Need a Diagnosis to Achieve Optimal Wellness – with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch

Ever wondered if there’s a deeper meaning to your health symptoms?  Noticed that nothing seems to work for certain complaints? Curious why some people seem to have mystery illnesses and no one can figure…
February 21, 2024

Ep 432: Myths and Insights Into Breast Implant Illness With Dr. Robert Whitfield

Do breast implants cause illness? Are some women predisposed to developing illness with medical devices like breast implants? Is it the implants themselves causing issues or a response to them?  Breast implant illness is…
January 10, 2024

Ep 428: Tresses & Triumphs: Navigating Hair Restoration Amidst Chronic Wellness Challenges – With Sheri Dimaggio

Hit a rough patch in life with your health?  Wondering what life has in store for you with age and if you’ll ever get back to feeling good again?  Sheri Dimaggio is a Mom…
December 27, 2023

Ep 397: How chronic illnesses provoke the body to attack you vs the bug

The effects of bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds and other infections can linger in the body long after the infection. These molecules of invaders can trigger your body to attack itself.  This is a common…
September 9, 2023

Ep 374: Speeding up the discovery of subconscious thoughts & memories to get a breakthrough to move forward

Tried meditation, read many self help books & maybe even tried plant medicine yet, still feeling stuck?  Just wish you could have a break through on your health or life situation? Been to a…
June 21, 2023

Ep 362: Would your 90 year old self be fulfilled with the life you’re creating?

Is there more to life than the reality that you are living?  Could it be possible that your limiting beliefs are holding you back from your true potential?  How do you learn to trust…
May 10, 2023