Ep 466: Are You Telling Yourself a Story That’s Keeping You Stuck in Life? With Alicia Kay

Likely you’ve heard about trauma being stuck in the body and how your thoughts are stories you tell yourself. Perhaps you’ve dabbled a bit in working on changing your thought process but nothing is…
May 8, 2024

Ep 392: How to get a year’s worth of therapy in one session

Been in therapy for a while and not making progress?  Starting to feel hopeless that you’ll never break through your hang ups in life?  Wondering why nothing seems to help you change the way…
August 23, 2023

Ep 386: Learn how to solve problems & reach health goals fast using this frame-work

Overeating, over-drinking, not finding your soulmate reaching your career goals?  You’re not broken, you’re using the wrong part of your brain to try to solve these issues.  Most people have spent their entire lives…
August 2, 2023

Ep 293: How Not Being Your True Self Sabotages Your Potential & Relationships with Katrina Starr

Fear of rejection or abandonment?  Feeling like you can’t be your true self in a relationship?  Not being able to express your true self can be the cause for chronic illness, self sabotaging behaviors,…
June 18, 2022

Ep 275: Brain Rewiring Made Easy

Trying to change your situation doesn’t work. Changing your brain patters do. Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns that do not serve you? Or do you find yourself in the same situations…
February 12, 2022