Ep 115: How Acupuncture Can Eliminate Chronic Foot Pain
Struggling with chronic foot pain due to flat feet, plantar fasciitis, muscle imbalances or ligament laxity? Did you know acupuncture has an effect on your muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascial tissue? If you struggle…
February 3, 2019
Ep 91: Feet : The Missing Link To Being Pain Free
Tried everything to reduce your pain? When’s the last time someone looked and touched your feet? When is the last time someone watched you move and walk? How well you move and how you…
August 16, 2018
5 Ways to Get Sexy Ankles
Having swollen ankles is annoying and downright frustrating. Cute shoes always look great on the shelf but never fit or look right. The straps cut into the skin and the legs look like stumps…
July 12, 2017
Ep 034: Why You Need Sexy Ankles To Age Well
How your ankles move and look says a lot about your overall health. If they swell that means you have circulation issues, same thing goes for sock lines and that’s a sign of poor…
July 12, 2017