Therapy in a Bottle, a new tool I’m adding to my practice.
No, I haven’t invested in a vineyard or distillery! But I have been spending more time searching for what will help you get the best results with the interventions you’re making. The longer I’ve…
September 20, 2023
Barbie, Body Image and a Charged up Energetic Body…
Barbie…whether you were hooked with multiple cars, homes and outfits galore as a kiddo or you played with friends who were collectors it’s likely she’s touched your life in one way or other. For…
September 8, 2023
Ep 289: The Inside Scoop on Hypnotherapy with Norman Plotkin
Can’t seem to change negative behaviors? Stuck in looping patterns that do not serve you? Wish you could just tap into your mind and gain the wisdom needed to change? Hypnotherapy can serve as…
May 21, 2022