Why Does My Neck Hurt? Tech Neck | Video

[Video Transcript] Hey everybody, Dr. Jannine Krause here. I am here to demo a couple of moves that you can do to work on pain that you might have in your neck or your…
February 18, 2016

How Breathing Helps Reduce Stress | Quick Tips Video Series

[Video Transcript] Hello Everybody.  It’s Doctor Jannine Krause and here I am with your first quick tip.  Breathing.  It’s huge, its free, but most of us don’t do it effectively.  Yes, we breath because…
February 11, 2016

The Effect of Stress on The Body | Cortisol – Video

[Video Transcript] Hello, I’m Doctor Jannine Krause and today I’m going to talk about Cortisol and how it’s important to get your cortisol in check as part of your owners manual creation.  What’s the…
February 9, 2016